Chapter 1

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manager: sorry we are full

YG: oh thank you for your time

at least this manager seemed to be honest because the fast food was obviously banal, by as some who closes the door in your face when you ask for work or throws water in your face when their entourage them said I am gay.

And I left the fast food depressed it was the only place where I had the chance to find a job. I have been looking for a job for 2 months now. I needed this if I ever wanted to have a place to sleep since my supposed family disowned me when they saw me hugging a boy behind the schoolat the end of the day, I return home exhausted to my apartment. if my friend hadn't offered this apartment I will soon be on the street at the time. luck was really on my side for him to offer me an apartment like this if then I was at the bottom of the dark with no money.

 luck was really on my side for him to offer me an apartment like this if then I was at the bottom of the dark with no money

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After this reflection, I get up and went down to look at the fridge to see what there was to eat. The fridge being empty I told myself to see the cupboards and miraculously and fortunately there was one last package  of Instant noodles left.

yg: well big boy I know you can't take any more Instant noodles, but I can't buy anything expensive. tomorrow I have to go shopping.

then at the same time, I heard the door ring. which was strange since I didn't hear anyone and especially not at this late hour. I was going to open it and put myself on guard, I open the door and I fall on my best friend and was quickly reassured by seeing him.

%?$:hello yoongi

yg: good evening but what are you doing at my house at this time

%?$: you won't let me come in

I made him come in and he went to sit on the sofa as if he were at home

yg: then you explain to me

%?$: I wanted to take the area and my steps led me to your apartment I take this opportunity to pay you a little visit

yg: really and what made you take the air don't try to tell me it was just a desire I wouldn't believe you.

%?$: okay okay I took it because my parents are organizing an arranged marriage but ...... this person is not my calisse

yg: your what, why your whispering your last sentence

%?$: forget it, so please let me sleep here

yg: okay but I have nothing to eat I warn you

%?$: it doesn't matter, I'm not really hungry, you still haven't found a job

yg: no not yet and no I don't need your help

%?$: why are you refusing help from others? you know accepting someone's help doesn't mean they take pity on you.

yg: I know but I prefer to deal with it by myself

%?$: if you say, well I sleep on the couch and you can sleep on the bed

yg: as if I was going to give you the bed, good night

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