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Summary: you caught a disease that would kill you in 2 weeks, you told ramattra this and his little omnic heart broke.

Characters: you and ramattra

You had a disease that will kill you, you didn't mind you knew that you that there wasn't a cure and you accepted that.

But the hardest part was telling ramattra. He loved you so much, he knew that he was going to lose your one day but never so soon, you had been dating for about 2 and a half years. Ramattra biggest fear is losing you after all.

Ramattra was mediating in his mediation room. You knocked on the door gently entering the room "ramattra" you called out. He turned his head "yes dearest is there something the matter?" He asked.

You sighed knowing that this wouldn't go down easily. "Ramattra....I have something" you told him, he stood up he titled his head in confusion "what do you mean?" He asked once more.

"I...have a disease that...will kill me in a couple of weeks" you muttered, you looked at the floor not barring to look at him. He placed his hand on your cheek "I'm sorry" you whispered.

"...I knew this day would come but not this soon" he said, he pulled you into a hug. Ramattra may not know the affection but thanks to you he does.

Thanks to you hes given humanity a second chance, thanks to you he learned that he doesn't have to do things by himself, thanks to you, you made his life better. "I love you so much dearest, so much" he muttered.

You started to sob. You knew you didn't want to but you couldn't help yourself " it's ok dearest, let it all out" he stroked your hair.

After a week you grew weaker by each day to the point that you were stuck in bed. Ramattra sat beside you, he never left your side he would get things for you it you wanted.

"... ramattra...." You called out loud enough to make ramattra hear. "yes love" he said "...I'm tired..." You muttered, he sighed sadly "it's ok love, rest your weary eyes" he said.

"Ok. I love you" you smiled at ramattra and closed your eyes going in your forever sleep, ramattra knew that this is your last sleep you did "goodbye love, I love you" if ramattra could cry he would.


Counted words: 406

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