A Spoke in the Wheel

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To be honest, I completely forgot about this story but I found this chapter I never posted from way back, so here it is 😅

It was starting to get darker as the pair of them arrived at Jacks camp, a gasp coming from Christine.
"Are you alright?" Steve asked with concern, before he realised what she had gasped at.
The structures that had once been a part of Jack's camp had been destroyed and there was broken glass and wood everywhere.
Christine climbed of Rusty, Steve following behind her.
"I don't think there's anyone here" Christine said to him as she picked up a broken bottle "and I don't think there's any medical supplies..."
Steve nodded, a grim expression on his face
"I guess this is gonna hurt then"
"I'm sorry Steve" Christine whispered
"No.. no I'll be brave" he said, putting in a smile to reassure her. "I trust you" he said, taking her hand.
"Alright" she nodded. "You might want to sit down."
Steve sat down on a log and took a deep breath.
"On 3?"
"On 3" he nodded, preparing himself.
Steve's cry of pain caused the birds to fly away, his grip on Christine's hand tightened.
"Shh.. Shh Steve it's over now" she said softly"
He nodded softly as his breathing slowed as if he was puffed out. "I'm bleeding aren't I?" He asked as he felt a warm liquid running down his arm.
"Are you crazy?!" Cried a voice "you do not just pull an arrow out of someone like that!"
"Jack!" Christine said as she turned around "in case you haven't noticed there are no medical supplies here, and for all we knew you were gone!"
"Wait a minute. Let me see that" he said as he grabbed the arrow from her hand "oh no no no! Get his shirt off and wrap his wound now!"
Christine quickly pulled his shirt off and Jack threw her a bandage from his bag.
"Open up" he told Steve before pouring a green liquid into his mouth
"What's going-" Steve was interrupted by his gag "what the heck is that stuff!"
"Medicine. That arrow that was in your arm wasn't an ordinary arrow."
"Wait a minute, I know that symbol. It's from the castle" he said, gaining a nod from Jack.
"It's poisonous."
"What?!" Steve and Christine cried at the same time.
"Don't worry, the medicine I gave you will fight it. It shouldn't kill you. Well it didn't kill me"
"Jack, is he going to be alright?" Christine asked him seriously.
"He'll be fine.. In a few days. Well have to keep an eye on him, his temperature will soar until the medicine gets rid of the poison in his blood. Help him up and he can rest in my cabin, I'd say it will kick in soon and he'll have trouble balancing"
Christine helped Steve into Jack's cabin that was tucked away in the bushes behind the camp.
"You'll be okay Steve. You're a strong man and I know you'll fight this" she said as she sat him down on Jack's bed.
Steve closed his eyes for a moment as he swayed a little "I see what he meant about balance.."
Christine gently pushed him down by his shoulders "lay down, I'll look after you"
"Thank you"  Steve said softly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2023 ⏰

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