Prince Harrison

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"Smithsford!" shouted Harrison "bring forward the girl."
"Yes sir" he saluted before ducking down a corridor. "You are to come with me miss"
The woman girl said nothing, silently obeying his wishes.
"Ahh Christine" Harrison smiled, not in a nice way.
"You called for me sir?"
"Yes. My Father. His condition is stable, is it not?"
"Yes sir. He ate all his breakfast, we had a game of chess and a good conversation."
"Good, then you are doing as I asked. Caring for him, cooking for him, me and my knights?"
"Yes. The meals are in the icebox, they just need to be heated".
"Good girl. Now, scrub the castle floors. Then you may go home." he said, chucking her a small brush. Not much bigger than a toothbrush.
"I will be gone for two weeks sir, my father needs me"
"Yes. I know. You've told me practically everyday! Now. Please, work!"
Christine stayed quiet and nodded before she left the room.
"Sir, will she ever know? The truth about the King-"
"No. You are lucky You know" he said, warning him not to bring it up again. "The only reason she will ever know anything is when my curse on her is broken. That will be the day when her future husband, her one true love, kisses her - And, we don't have to worry about that. All the boys within Castle city are under their own curse. To never feel any love towards her" he laughed evilly.

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