☁️Raw meat ✔️

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:D- idk here's this-)
Art by @quirk_is (the original artist to this moved accounts an new person owns it but their art is still on there so check it out if ya want)

:D- idk here's this-)Art by @quirk_is (the original artist to this moved accounts an new person owns it but their art is still on there so check it out if ya want)

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And butcher Peter belongs to @thefandombirb on twitter
Peters pov
I really wish I was able to talk to her...

Y/Ns pov
"💟 how much you wanna bet?"
"💟Were you even paying attention y/n"
"Sorry Luce I'm trying to see what we can use in the stew we plan to make remember"
"💟 well I'm looking at something more appetizing~"
"What?" I look over to see what she's talking about
Oh no-
"💟 I bet he's a real freak in the sheets I mean look at him~"
"Lucy could you not drool over every guy you see"
"💟 it's not every guy I see but he is pretty hot with the scar and that meaty~ bod of his~"
"S-seriously that pun?"
"💟 couldn't help it besides I'm gonna go try to talk to him" ugh he probably will fall for her...although he's never talked as far as I've seen being here all he ever did was nod or shake his head he's very nice though we don't talk a lot but he's sweet an I've learned to talk to him when I was here his name is Peter...
He is pretty cute but I don't think I could ever...
Peters pov
She looked at me...I wonder what they are talking about-
"💟 hey~"
What the..I didn't even see her looking at me as I stood up from leaning on the counter she got a little to close for me
"💟your cute big guy~ what's your name?~"
"🥩....." I just point at my name tag
She just kept trying to talk to me I don't understand her body language either I look over at y/n to see what she's doing...she's so cute...why doesn't she ever just come into my arms....let me hold her forever...
"💟 hey are you even paying attention Peter....oh..."
She looked where I was looking  wasn't paying attention to her much
"💟 so...you like y/n~ huh"
I looked at her embarrassingly an slowly nodded as she popped her hands
"💟 I can help with that dear just watch and learn~"
I questioned what she meant by that as y/n came up to us asking for diced beef I went to the back to get that ready for her
Y/Ns pov
"So how'd it go?"
"💟 ah just some regular talk...well I talked he doesn't seem much of a talker"
"Yeah he's really shy..."
"💟 I can see that...oh by the way I invited him over"
"Wait what"
"💟 yeah you know the guy could use a couple of friends it's late anyways I'm sure he would love to try your cooking y/n"
"Oh...good thing I did buy extra ingredients although would he really come with us?...he's not the social type"
"💟 I'm sure of it don't worry I don't have any study buddies there either"
"Good cause the last thing I need is for you to be fucking another person in the apartment especially if we have a guest"
"💟 that was an accident I didn't know you and tk were gonna be there!"
"You scared tk they didn't even want to shake your hand"
"💟 why"
"You know why"
Peters pov
Wonder what they are talking about I can hear their voices from here but muffled...
I come back with her request bagging it for her
"Thanks Peter ^^"
she's so cute...how could I ever think she'd love someone like me...
"💟 sooo yeah Peter your coming over here I'll write down the address if you can't come right now"
Wait what is she talking about she grabs a pen and paper from the counter writing something down handing it to me
She just gave me a wink as I read the paper it also had y/ns number...
"💟 see ya there Pete's!"
"See ya ^^peter"
I only waved to late as they had paid an left....should I really go to this....
What if it's a mistake...y/n...you seem so sweet could I really make you m i n e ?
Hmm...i look at the paper debating
it is getting dark outside...
Maybe I'll try...for y/n...
Wait is this what that white haired lady meant by helping me?...
A rather strange way to help I think...
I start putting everything away and locking things taking off the apron
Locking the door I took out the piece of paper looking it up on my phone...not sure if I should text y/n yet she doesn't know her friend gave me her number...
Or maybe I should...
I just follow the phones directions to see a apartment complex the girl wrote the number, apartment XX
this is the place...
Should I have came?....this feels so weird
I shouldn't have come here should I...
What if y/n doesn't want me here
I slowly reached my hand to knock on the door hesitantly
Maybe I shouldn't...!-
"💟 I'm sorry y/n but I have to go vivo got his dumbass in trouble again-"
The door had suddenly opened to reveal the girl earlier
"💟 oh your here big guy- yyyy/nnnn~ Peter is here you won't be alone at least!~"
Ugh her yelling voice hurts my ears
"W-what- ah!"
"💟 uuuh gotta go bye! *winks at peter* be gentle with her!"
And with that she left and I went in closing the door
The yelling...I dislike it as I look over to see y/n in the kitchen using the diced meat I gave her with potatoes she's cutting up
I see she cut herself...
"O-oh hey Peter heh sorry Luce left a problem with her buddy but make yourself at home" she gave me a sweet smile...she's so cute
I looked around the place it's nice here...the tv has something on I've never seen this movie...
The couch looks like it's been through a lot...
I see photos on the wall staring at them...
I can't help but space out but I kept walking observing the photos and ended up in y/n's room
I like it here...the photos she has...is this her?..these other people must be friends or family...
I just stood there...thinking
"Hey what are you doing in here?"
! I look over to y/n I dozed off
"Your fine peter I don't mind I know you won't look through my stuff but are you okay? Dinner is almost ready just letting the potatoes cook in there.."
I nod walking towards her looking down at her if she'd say anything else
Silence fell between us but it wasn't bad...although her face was starting to turn red she looked away from me
"I- um we can watch a movie for a few until then..." she walked away I just followed her to the couch as she looked through the channels
"Anything you prefer to watch?..."
I think for a moment
What do I like to watch?...
Y/n's pov
He's so strange but...weirdly I like him the way he is...dam lucy leaving me alone with him...although I'm sort of glad she did I'm sure he likes her though maybe that's why it's so awkward between us
I shake off those thoughts as I see him deep in thought
"🥩 can we watch...(favorite movie)?.."
"O-oh you actually spoke sorry it's surprising to hear your voice you don't talk a lot but either way I don't mind...you have a nice voice though..."
He looked down a little flustered when I said that
"Heh..and that's my favorite movie actually I have the disc lemme put it on and the soup should be almost done" I get up going to the tv an put in the disc I know everyone uses platforms on the tv or stuff but I do enjoy the feeling of putting the disc in to play
Since those will become a thing of the past soon might as well enjoy them
The previews the trailers of other movies they'd show the way they play movie was activated ...an there's usually extras in there they have that platforms don't have anymore either...
Oh I'm thinking to far again I get up and check on the soup stirring it up, adding the last ingredients
As I heard the movie about to start maybe peter clicked play after the trailers
I get us bowls and spoons serving Peter and I
sitting next to him putting the bowls down on the coffee table
Still to hot
We silently watched the movie...
It was rather nice...
Digging in as soon as the food cooled down
"🥩 y/n..."
"🥩 the food...was delicious"
"Awe..thanks I'm glad you liked it Peter" wasn't sure he would
"🥩 mm..."
I checked the time lucy was still not here
Maybe vivo and her are studying
"Sorry lucy isn't here I'm sure you would've preferred her company "
"🥩 ?..."
"You know cause she invited you"
"🥩 I wasn't aware that she did..until she gave me your phone and the address.."
"She what"
He reaches the paper in his pocket an handed to me
Lucy what the hell
"Oh I see I'm so sorry for her she's really a lot but I'm sure when you get to know her you'll like her even more heh"
As much as it hurts to say..
"🥩 I like y/n though.."
"🥩 y/n...I like you"
"Y-you like me?"
He only nods as my face goes red
This cannot be
He puts an arm over me as I lay my head on his chest
"I-I like you too peter..a lot.."
I felt a kiss on my head as I internally die inside he's much sweeter then I thought
"How long have you liked me peter?...if you want to answer that is.."
"🥩 ....the first time you came into the shop.."
I sit up and look at him shocked
"Wait really?"
He nods all flushed his cheeks were tinted with red
"Wow..at first I was intimated by you until learning you were actually very sweet..."
"🥩 were you...scared of me?"
"No no! I was just a little shy meeting someone like you...the tallness and muscular body..the scar.."
"B-but not scared I like how you look your very handsome and so cute I don't mind anything of it-"
He cups my face slowly leaning in
Is he really going to kiss me??
I give in leaning in as well as our lips slowly touched
Strangely it was soft an sweet..felt so nice to be held like this
That is until I felt something going into my mouth I almost choked by surprise pulling away to breathe as he looked confused
"W-what was that???"
He slowly reveals his tongue
that explains the medal taste though..
Piercing look's hot on him though
"Y-you should warn me next time I didn't know tongues could come in that size"
I still felt like a blushing mess from that but he slowly pulled me into his lap hugging me closely
"D-does this mean we're dating now?.."
"🥩 id like that..."
i do too...hope this means it's official
"U-Um can we try the kiss again?"
He nodded as we tried kissing again this time I know what will happen
This time the kiss went turned into a make out we got a little heated there as I pulled away panting he was such a mess as well but I couldn't let it go that far
"🥩 d-did I do something wrong?"
"No no that was amazing I just don't wish to go that far..not yet at least.."
"🥩 Far?..."
"Y-you know touchy an all"
"🥩 but I'm hugging you"
"Peter I mean sex"
"🥩 ...."
"....you know what sex is right?.."
"🥩...I've heard about it.."
"You've never had sex?.."
"🥩 I never...fell in love..before"
.....oh god this makes it worse for me
Now I wanna ruin that innocence but I shouldn't
"W-well that'll be another time Peter I wish to see how this goes first "
"🥩 alright..can we keep doing this?.."
"Of course will have a proper date next time hehe..."
I held his hand and cuddle into his arms closely as the movie soon ended
It was getting late he should go home...although I don't want him to he doesn't seem to want to go home either we were so comfortable here
"Y-you know it's to dark out now for you to go home..I know your eye sight isn't the best either...you should stay the night.."
I look up at him leaning on him as he thought about it hugging me tighter
I guess that was a yes as I got up to get a blanket for us from my room
"D-do you want to keep watching tv or you feel sleepy yet?"
I put the blanket next to him and pick up our bowls and put them in the sink
We actually had two bowls of that soup guess both of us were hungry
"🥩....let's watch tv here until we fall asleep?.."
"That sounds actually nice..."
I come over to him getting in his arms with the blanket this time we were laying down as I had the remote in my hands looking for something to watch
"Your not uncomfortable in your clothing? Or me being on top of you?.."
He shakes his head wrapping his arms around me
This felt so nice...
Watching tv together we slowly drifted off to sleep...at least I know I did
~later that night~
Lucy's pov
Came home finally hopefully Peter and y/n got along just fine-
I see them cuddling on the couch I turn off the tv for them these dorks
they are so cute y/n will thank me later for this *snaps a bunch of photos of them* how adorable-
I snap another photo looking at it then see peters eyes are shot wide open an look up to see his face staring at me with no emotion
okay fluff chapter for a change I had fun writing this an by peters description I tried to make the character accurate based on discription
If ya want part two I'll probably make it I'm still working on other oneshots thanks for being patient :D- 2427 words )

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