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(Art belongs to Lemouro on Pinterest)


Everything was quite. In had walked three people; Dai Shin Kan, and at his sides were Mohito from earlier and someone else. He had white hair, sleeked back and a yellow pole-neck inside. It was a yellow close to the color of a banana. Chichi couldn't see his features because of the distance between them.

She ended up having to sit with people, but the boy right next to her was the one from earlier who got out of the Porsche, the girl with the blue hair and a boy with a lot of hair, tanned skin and a scar at his jawline.

The Dai Shin Kan began to speak...and speak...Chichi tried her best not to fall asleep because his speech was so boring.

The bell rang at 5 minutes to nine and when people started leaving, they were so orderly. When Chichi left, she saw people everywhere getting things from their lockers and weren't so orderly anymore. She walked to her locker which she memorized before she bumped into Mohito. She was still quite scared of him, especially when she saw him at that assembly thing.

Homeroom 7.

Chichi finished putting all her books into the locker but her Math book and pouch. The hall started clearing up as Chichi glanced at her watch. 9 sharp. Chichi walked as quickly as she could to the Homeroom part of the school, at the first floor. She looked for the door with a 7-shaped glass window. She found it and opened the door and GOD WAS IT LOUD?!

There were people standing and shouting and carrying each other and it was so chaotic and loud.

"Hey," said the blue haired girl from earlier as she walked toward her.

"You're new right? I'm Bulma," she said.

"Er, Chichi," she answered awkwardly.

"C...C...Oh! Come with me! There's a seat here, come," she said as she led the way. The two girls passed two students who looked exactly like each other, except one had ashy blonde hair and the other a very deep black, both with icy blue eyes.

"Here. You're supposed to sit here, I bet," Bulma said as she sat right in front of her.

"So, what school did you come from?" Bulma asked as she turned in her chair to face her.

"Mawai," the raven-haired girl responded.

"Ooh. That's pretty far away," she said.


So the two girls talked to each other about various topics. Then suddenly-

"His coming!" Said a small floating boy with red paint in circles on his face and a weird hat with a red pom-pom at the end.

Everyone scrambled back into their seats. Behind Chichi sat a boy with a distinct hairstyle, big and very brown eyes. The brown was a shade almost, just almost, muddy red. They were pretty, too.

The 'he' the small floating boy was referring to was actually a teacher. He had the same blue-skin, violet-eyes as the rest of the teachers. His pole-neck was maroon and his white hair went up, and in a slight swirly at the end. His tag; Whis.

"Greetings, Homeroom 7," the taller male said. He had a very soft voice, which eased Chichi up a bit, considering the fact that literally everyone sat down when they saw him coming.

"Morning, Whis," they responded. Though Chichi didn't know how to so she just inwardly prayed that he couldn't find out and sure enough he did.

"Oh, you are Chichi correct? Welcome to Metro High!" he said as he clapped his hands together.

"So, shall we get to attendance?" he said as he sat down on his desk and opened a blue book with a silver seven at the top-most right corner of the book.

"Kakarot Matori..."

"Here," said the boy who sat immediately behind her and was twirling Chichi's long hair without her knowing, with his chin touching the white desk and his arms stretched out.

Time passed by...

"And finally, Bulma Briefs,"

When he was done, he grabbed a staff out of the literal thin air, the blue ball at the end shining green.

"Allow me to step outside for a bit," he said as he left the room.

Nobody spoke still. Until...

"Tieeen...Tieeen," The boy behind her, Chichi remembered as Kakarot (or something), whispered. A bald boy with an extra eye on his forehead, seated at the corner opposite of Kakarot's corner, craned his neck to look at him. They were sandwiching the boy-whose-hair-went-up-in-a-flame who had earphones plugged in again.

"What?" the so called Tien answered in a monotone voice.

"Can you spar with me later?"

"Why not Vegeta?"

"He's mad at me,"


"He'll kill me,"


"Why-," Kakarot was cut off when Whis walked back in.

"So..." and he began to talk about how cramped the second half of the semester was gonna be because there was an inter-homeroom tournament (whatever that was) coming up and in preparation for that, the 7th and the 6th Homerooms were going to have a mini tournament. Everything else just involved Whis giving a pep-talk to the students like all normal teachers usually do occasionally.

The day had gone by in a flash and now it was Planetary Geography, the subject that came right before Lunch. This was quite convenient considering it was such a bulky topic, harder than Math, but easier than normal Geography.

When the bell rang for Lunch, Chichi walked out of the classroom and went to her locker. She saw someone walk toward her. It was one of the look-alikes from Homeroom. Her blonde hair complemented her eyes, and her slim figure made her look good with her blazer taken off.

"You're new her, right?" she asked.


"I'm 18. Do you wanna come sit with me?" she asked.

For her looks, Chichi found her surprisingly sweet. Unless she was just playing around with her mind.

Chichi put her books into her locker and followed 18 to the cafeteria. She had one question on her mind, though; why 18? Is it like a nickname, or something? Maybe it's her age?

When they got to the cafeteria and were served their lunch, she saw the blue haired girl sitting with two others...

One of them had blonde hair and blue eyes and the other was green, with purple eyes and short white hair. She was still cute, even green.

"I'm Launch,"

"I'm Cheelai," they introduced themselves respectively.

They sat down and conversed. Maybe this time, in a long time, Chichi finally made some real friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2023 ⏰

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