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(Art above belongs to Lemouro on Pinterest)


And like that mid-term was over. Schools started opening again. The past week was busy for Chichi and the Ox King.

They got in here on Sunday, enrolled Chichi on Monday, interview on Wednesday, Shopping on Thursday and Orientation on Friday.

During Orientation, she was the only new person. The teacher leading her was referred to as Dai Shin Kan. Just that. No 'teacher' or 'Mister' before it. He was short with pale blue skin, white hair he slicked back and a very soft voice for a teacher, though it suited his body. That day, he had on a deep-ish blue suit (the type that have duck-tails at the back) and he always walked with his hands behind his back. His speech was quite formal but not the type that made someone feel out of place. Just formal.

Chichi woke up to the sound of her irritating alarm which she wished she could snooze but couldn't because education was involved. She got up, tied her hair in a bun and stripped out of her oversized white shirt with a sleepy penguin on it and got into the shower. She dried herself and her hair and dressed into her uniform. The Metro High School uniform was a deep-blue blazer and half-sweater, white blouse all with the school badge on them. Black shoulder-high gloves and black pants (As a girl, you could choose whether you'd want a skirt or pants.) and black ankle boots.

Chichi dressed and tied her hair in her usual low ponytail, which she hadn't trimmed in a long time and was now nearing her bosom. Her bangs covered her eyebrows and thee two thick locks at the side of her bangs were much longer than they originally were.

She went downstairs to eat. As she did, she check the clock that was over the television.


Chichi almost chocked on her cereal as she tried to rush-eat. Dai Shin Kan had asked her to have arrived at school by 8 o'clock and she hadn't even packed her books. She ate the last cereal, put the bowl in the sink and ran back upstairs.




Classical Japanese

Human History

Species' History (This book was extra-large seeing as though it had bulky topics covering the history of Tsufurians, Saiyans and Namekians).


Planetary Geography (Another large book covering the geography and structures of the now destroyed Planets Namek and Vegeta).

As she stuffed the Specie's History book into her bag, she saw through her balcony (yes, her room had a balcony. Can you believe?), she saw two boys leave the house. They wore the same uniform as Chichi did. They waved to someone from inside the house and flew away. Chichi was a bit freaked out, even though she had to get used to it.

She put the last of her things into her bag and looked at her wristwatch.


Chichi grabbed her things and ran out of her bedroom door. She hopped on one foot as she tried to get the other boot in. She zipped it and ran out the door. She ran quite fast. As she got nearer the school, she saw more people with the same uniform on as her. She walked up the hill and she was surprised when she saw so many rich people.

There was a white Porsche that drove into the compound soon after Chichi walked in. A bald guy got out of the drivers' side and opened the door. A boy with hair that went up like a flame walked out the car. He held onto one of his earphones which were plugged into his ear and had his phone in the other. He had on a silver cross-shaped earing on his left ear dangled down and a white stud on the other.

Another boy came out the same car. He had hair just like the former, but with a short fringe. He had blue braces, Chichi noticed as he talked to the tall, bald man who had opened the door for them.

Soon after a Rolves Royce pulled up and a girl with blue hair that only brushed her shoulders walked out in a skirt. She looked quite sweet actually with her red lips and blue eyes.

Chichi stopped admiring her beauty and walked into the school building. She walked toward the office, where Dai Shin Kan had asked her to go on arriving the first day. She knocked on the door and walked in. There were two ladies there, one was standing, was tall and had a long, high ponytail. She was wearing a black ladies' (pants) suit, with a green pole-neck inside. She shared the same features with Dai Shin Kan. She was very pretty and had her violet lips glossed. She had one of her hands on the lady behind the desk's desk, like lady teachers do when they're talking to one another. The lady behind the desk was most likely to be wearing the same suit, only she had purple pole-neck on. The features were the same as the former lady, but she had cuter features, like bigger eyes and a flatter nose. And her lips were thinner as well. Instead of a ponytail, she had her white hair in a little braid which was over her right shoulder.

"Hello, dear. What's your name?" The lady behind the desk asked.

Cus. It said on the gold nametag on her chest. And the other lady was Vados.

"Chichi Ox," she answered as confidently as she could, but the other lady was much taller than her that it was intimidating.

"Oh...you're new is it? Well, Dai Shin-sama left me this and asked me to give it to you. Here you go," she said as she handed Chichi a sheet of paper. It was her timetable and her locker number.

"You can go to the Gymnasium and wait there with everybody else," she said.

"Thank you," Chichi said as she read her timetable. It said the lessons start at 9. So why did she have to-

"Ergh," Chichi bumped into someone who let out an irritated sound. She looked up and saw a tall teacher with the same features as the two ladies. Only he had a meaner face. His pole-neck was blue. And the lady by him had a purple pole-neck and pigtails. She looked somewhat younger than all the rest and her facial features made her look much more human than humans themselves.

"How dare you-," he began but the lady beside him grabbed him by the wrist and said "oh calm down now," and pulled him away.

Their nametags. Mohito and Magarita.

Chichi walked out of the office quite intimidated. She went to the gymnasium as she was to by Cus. The double doors to them were open and the gym itself was huge. The floors were shiny and waxy and white walls looked like they had been freshly painted. The bleachers were dark blue and white. At the top of the bleachers, the walls had this painting of a gold dragon, which looked quite realistic.

Chichi looked around at the doors. There were so many people here. Most weren't seated so they were just talking and laughing with one another. Heck, some were even flying, she noticed. She decided to go up to sit at the bleachers because the games these people were playing didn't look too human friendly. She went to sit at the furthest corner at the second highest bleacher. She looked around a bit and decided to kill time by reading T.H.U.G: The Hate U Give.

She realized how into the book she'd gotten when she saw people run toward the bleachers. They sat down became very silent. She later saw why.

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