"I'd date you" part 2

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      POV Abby: 


        Opening my eyes, I see the reflection of sun light bouncing off the mirror in Max's living room. I lift my head up to see I was still laying on Max. She gives me a warm smile and runs her hands through my hair. " Goodmorning, sleepyhead" she says keeping the smile on her face. I give her a half smile as I lay my head back down. She stops running her hand through my hair and places her hand on my back rubbing it in a circle motion. I can feel Max laughing, the way she's breathing in and out lifts up my head. 

  " What's so funny" I ask still half asleep. 

"Nothing" she says hesitating before finishing the rest of her sentence. " You're so pretty, I just want to" she stops talking as Press come up from the basement, with nothing but his boxers on. He looks at me and shakes his head while he walks up stairs. Moments later he walks back downstairs with one of Marcus's hoodies and a pair of jeans. He opens his mouth like he's going to say something but instead he opens the front door and leaves. I look at Max waiting for her to finish her sentence.

 " You want to what?" I say looking at her lips then back up at her eyes. She says nothing grabbing my neck pulling me closer. Tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear she leans closer and gently kisses me. After about a minute she pulls away.

  " That" she says blushing. I nod my head pulling her in again. This was a dream come true, I've never felt this happy like ever. And there comes my mind to ruin it. I pull away from Max as I remember the beer that I drank the following night. " Did I do something wrong" Max asks nervously. 

 "No no no, of course not, you're a good kisser... I mean" my eyes go wide as I cover my face. Max starts laughing. Lifting my head up with her soft hand's Max smiles.

 " You are too" she whispers. I start to blush once again remembering the beer.

  " I'll be right back" I tell Max heading up the stairs. Taking a deep breath in I turn the fossette on and tie back my hair. Flushing the toilet, I start to tear up, I wipe my mouth and look in the mirror. " Who would date me" I say getting interrupted by a knock on the door.

" You, Ok?" Max says sounding concerned. I wipe my face off opening the door,

 "Ya, yeah, I'm ok" I say stuttered. She smiles and pulls me into a hug.

 "I came up to tell you your moms here" she says patting me on the back. I nod as I walk down the stairs slipping my phone into my pocket. Opening the door Max puts her hand on my shoulder. " For what it's worth" she stops and looks in my eyes " I'd date you" she says smiling. I smile back and close the door barley able to breath.

My girl (Abby Littman)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora