"Is It That Hard to Tell" part 2

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Pov Abby:

    It's been about a week since Max and I kissed, yet I can't stop thinking about it. Could she maybe like me? What am I saying? There's no way Maxine Baker likes me, out of every girl. Plus, she just got out of a relationship with Sophie less than a month ago and she still can't stop talking about her. My phone vibrates alerting me that someone texted me. Leaning over across my bed I pick my phone up from my nightstand and my cheeks go from pale to red. I can't help but smile at the fact Max just texted me. " Hey, my parents are outta town this weekend and me and Marcus are throwing a back-to-school party, you should totally come:). Yelling across the house I got my mom's attention "I'm going to Max's this weekend." I said as I threw my phone on the bed smiling. My mom doesn't really care what I do, she and my dad just got a divorce and things have been hectic so she will do anything to keep me happy. 


  Now that I'm out of the shower I make my way to my bedroom. Letting the towel fall off of me I pick up the duct tape that I hid under my bed. Tearing a long piece off I gently place it around my thigh wrapping it around several times. After doing the same to my other leg I opened my closet door and take out a pair of navy jeans and a black tee-shirt with white starts all over it. I look at myself in the mirror as all of my happiness leaves my body. " Ugh, who in their right mind would date me., Oh wait I know who would, Press." I've been in a situation ship with Press for about 2 months and I'm just going to say he's not the best boyfriend. He makes me feel worthless, he's also the reason I tape my legs. He calls me stuff like "Wale legs" and makes jokes about my weight all the time but I need him right now, I literally have no one except him and Max. Sure, I have Ginny, and Norah also, but were not as close, they don't know what's happening. Grabbing my phone, I slid it in my back pocket and walked out the door with my mom following behind me. It took about ten minutes to get to Max's house and by the time I got there the party had already begun. Walking in the door I spotted the rest of MANG. "You made it!" Max yelled running up to me giving me a hug. I hugged her back trying to savor the moment. Her long black beautiful hair smells like Vanila. Breaking the hug, she smiles at me and grabs my hand pulling me to the rest of the group. 

  At this point the party had ended and the only people that were left were Max, Marcus, Press, Hunter, and I. The boys were still in the basement playing the ping pong drinking game. Max and I sat upstairs in the living room half-drunk half not. " Let's play truth or dare" Max smirks at me. 

 "Sure, let's do it!" I say crossing my legs so that I'm in a crisscrossed position. I looked into Max's eyes and smile.

"Uhm, truth or dare" max says with a huge grin on her face swaying back in fourth. Anyone that looked at her could tell she was drunk. 

" Dare" I said matching the grin on her face. She starts laughing and leans closer to me.   

" Hi" she says laughing and smiling. I smiled back as she moved in closer. Staring into her eyes I felt the butterflies returning. She started looking at my lips and everything went silent, like time had stopped. After what felt like an hour, she finally broke the silence. " You picked truth, right? she said still looking at my lips. I nodded my head agreeing with her even though I picked dare. "Do you like me" she said making my heart drop. I didn't know what to say. Should I tell her how I really feel? Could she already tell that I like her? My heart feels like it's in my stomach and my face is burning up. " You do, don't you" she said raising her eyebrows. 

" Is it that hard to tell" I said with a nervous laugh. She lifted her hand from the bed up to my hair and down my neck pulling my head closer to hers.  

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