Chapter 9

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William Black p.o.v

After dad gave me her in my arms, he told us to get her ready for her to night.

"Are you ready for your bathy" I said while kissing her cheek. "Mr. Bear" she says while pouting. "Darling after you don't want her getting wet" I reason with her and she comply.

"Alright everyone I need Malik, Thrya, and Stella to get her clothes, diaper, and etc ready for when she is done with her bath. But me, Xenia, and Lucas will bathe her" making sure everyone knew their parts.

We all went to our designated places. We go to the bathroom and lock it to make sure she can't escape.

I place her on the ground see her look around. I tell Lucas and Xenia to start the water making sure it's warm temperature and it has bubbles and toys.

I turn my attention back on her and I think she realizes what's about to happen.

"Hey what's wron-" I say but caught off by her running to the door trying to unlock it. I sighed and picked her up from the door.

She struggles and Xenia and Lucas wanted to intervene but I stopped them. I gave them a signal that I got this under control. I set her in front of me while she still struggling and whining.

"Darling, hey stop struggling and- HEY NO HITTING!" I tried to calm her down but no she decides to hit me. Of course it didn't hurt but I can't let allow that type of behavior.

"You do not hit, that's bad! After bath you are going to sit in the corner for 10 minutes for hitting brother, am I clear!" I yelled at her and that seems to make her stop.

She starts bawling out crying while shaking her head, "I need words" I say sternly. "I-i understand" she said.

She tries to stop crying but can't, I do feel bad but she had to be punish. I hugged her trying to comfort her.

I pulled back wiping her tears. "Darling it's time for your bath" I say as I start talking off her clothing.

"N-no no bath" I sighed and looked my siblings and backed at her, they realize what I meant. I laid her down on her back while Xenia hold her arms, Lucas hold her legs, and I start taking off her clothes.

Few minutes later, we successful got her clothes off and her into the bath tub. She still sniffling over the fact we seen her naked, but we hardly even cared.

I try to get her to play with the other toys but she just sat there covering herself. "Quack quack look there is a duck quack quack" bringing it closer to her. She smiles at it and start moving it around with her finger.

I let Xenia and Lucas bathe her since they wanted to help out too. Xenia washed her body while Lucas washed her hair.


We get her out of the bath tub and wrap her in the towel. I see Thrya, Stella, and Malik sitting in her nursery waiting for her.

"There's my baby girl" Malik says while taking her out of my arms and set her on the changing table. "Your so squeaking clean treasure" she squeal.

Thrya Black P.o.v

Malik grabs her from William and set her up on the changing table. My sister Stella came over to her also "your so squeaking clean treasure" I chuckle at her enthusiasm.

Before she was the quiet one, always in the shadow. Now that our baby sister came she was the most bubbly girl ever, always happy and always wanting to spend time with her.

I'm glad she came. She's ours now and she made us the happiest family and she won't leave us ever. Not ever.

Anyway I walked towards her and dried her off with the towel, I sighed when I tried to get the towel off and she holds onto it. "Darling you need to have clothes on so you could get all warm and cozy" I tried to reason with her before my angry takes over.

"No diaper please" I realized what's all this about but no way. "Darling this will only go worse day by day if you keep resisting. Just let us let go and everything will be okay." I tried to assure her, I think this help her because she let go.

I took away the towel and start putting her diaper with her baby powder and rash cream. Malik and Stella try to distract her and surprisedly she gets distracted from me changing her into her diaper and night clothes.

As I continue to change her, I hear mixture of giggles and laughter. I see Stella blowing raspberries on her tummy and Malik tickling her feet, I laugh at their playfulness .

Soon later I finished, she realized we were done and sat up. I smiled sadly remembering she has a punishment to take. I pick her up and gave her to William, she looked confused until she realized what's about to happen.

"Baby your going to sit in the corner for 10 minutes for hitting me which is against the rule" William says. I see her face dropped and tears start coming.

Aria P.o.v

He put me in the corner for hitting him, I can't help but feel the tears run down my cheeks.

I'm so tired, I just want to sleep.

It felt like hours before the timer went off, I get turned around and I see William Infront of me.

"I want you to say sorry brother for hitting me"

"I'm sorry b-brother for hitting it" I apologize.

He picked me and gave me hug while rocking. "Brother doesn't like to put you in timeout none of do but you cannot hit not me, not nobody, I love you okay"

I nod against his neck and I felt the rest of the join in too. I felt the tears stop and I smiled at the warmth.

I felt being placed in my crib, eyes going weary second by second. Everyone kissing my head or cheek, I heard mixture of....

"Night cupcake"

"Goodnight treasure"

"Love you darling"

"Night babygirl"

"Nice dreams love"

"Don't let the bedbugs bite baby"

"We love you darling have a good night sleep"

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