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Hello!! Thank you for giving this book of mine a chance, lol

To get some things clear: This is my oc book that will explore the Sayeli Universe, or Sayeliverse. It is an oc universe similar to our own in terms of worldbuilding and general culture, although there's some main changes. Most of the characters live in the UESC, a fictional country i made up. Also, they have superpowers. 

There's another book dedicated to this universe, the TSS Supers AU, which is sanders sides fanfiction, but it is inside/belongs to this oc universe i created. They obviously have superpowers too. There's some Secret Worldbuilding Facts in that one, so you gotta read if you wanna find out :)) 
(dont worry if you dont know what sanders sides is, i think you dont really need to know if you wanna read it)

The format will be the following: there's different "clusters" to this AU, different groups of characters this can focus on; I'll say which one this focuses on at the start of each chapter. Also, the oneshots wont be posted in chronolical oder, but i will organize them in order once posted and will include dates at the start of the chapters, along with potential TWs

I'm also a digital artist (i do some traditional sometimes though-) and will have some parts dedicated to art i make with my ocs; if you'd like to see more of my art in general, go follow my instagram, doodlespaulas

By the way, i'm more than happy to answer any questions about these stories. If there's any aspect of worldbuilding, character design, an element of a story/timeline that isnt clear, please ask me, i'm more than happy to offer a helping hand :))

The main clusters and their identification emoji: 

- 🌺 --> Sayeli one (involving Soma, Nayeli, Rose and Fatima, closely involved with ✨)

- ✨ --> Kiddos one (involving May, Jasmine, Aaliyah, Nyx and Wazowski, closely involved with 🌺)

- 💙 --> Dumbasses one (involving Indigo, Kai, Arson, Talia, Robyn, Amy and Lia)

The next part will have the art i've made so y'all can picture the apareances of some of these characters (i havent drawn them all) and it'll include some facts about them so y'all know what we're getting into :))

Peace, Love and Granola

The Sayeli Universe (oc book)Where stories live. Discover now