Jake ~ You want to be in control? Part 4 (18+)

Start from the beginning

Within these two months you'd take walks with Jake, sleep with him and go on rides with him. These two months had felt like forever and you felt like you'd known him forever. You knew much more about him and enjoyed listening to him rant and talk about things from earth, his brother, and how his day went.

Typically, he'd sit and listen to you talk. Letting your eyes get big whenever you brought up something you liked, and letting your smile get wide when you confirmed he was listening to you.

But when he did decide to rant as you did, it made you very happy. Knowing that these long talks were only reserved for you. Those rough kisses and longing hugs.

But now you were alone, in your pod thinking about him. As you turned back to your side letting out a sigh of frustration you curled up into fetal position deeply inhaling the scent of the necklace while cooing yourself back to sleep.

It was now morning and it was a regular morning for you. You helped around the clan, picking fruits and visiting people and greeting them. It was very peaceful, Tyrit had been insistent on you two going out for a hunt. But you didn't want to, you'd rather laze around doing nothing in particular. Plus he never truly got the hint you didn't want him in that way, it didn't make him evil. Just oblivious.

You never led him on but you didn't know how to tell him that you didn't want to be together. You and Jake had been seen around the village but it was often taken as just him giving you counsel or orders. And when you slept in the same pod it was very secluded, not too far but one far enough so that other Na'vi weren't in your business. Jake wasn't trying to keep you a secret, nor you to him, but you both agreed you'd be much happier announcing this once you were mated. And if a few found out before then, it wasn't any bother.

This though didn't help your situation. Especially since now Tyrit was trailing beside you like a dog.

"But you said no three nights ago, why not today? I think a hunt would be fun, no?"

You hummed acknowledging him and taking in a deep breath since he wasn't taking no for an answer.

"I'm sorry Tyrit but no, not today. I'd just rather have a peaceful day and rest. Maybe a hunt when the moon has become half?"

"But that'll be forever from now." He groaned. You knew the moon wouldn't become half until a good few days but that meant time to stall.

As you kept walking with him in tow you smiled at random people trying to calm your mind.

"Then we'll just wait then. The time will come, I have to go and do something. I'll see you later?"

He furrowed his brows, "You said you wanted to rest today."

"I'll see you later." You ignored his calls as you walked away annoyed. You felt bad since you truly cared for him as a friend but you didn't feel like dealing with it. You'd just rather explore and sulk secretly about Jake.

Thankfully, he laid off of you. Allowing you to walk around isolated and extremely bored. As you trailed around apart of you had secretly wished you had taken him up on his offer. It would've annoyed you but at-least you would've had something to do and your mind would be so stuck on Jake.

You actually felt kind of pathetic. Did he even miss you half as much as you missed him? You thought about him while picking fruits, while sleeping, while running or even swimming. It wasn't consuming all the time but you did know that you just felt a longing for him. And the time was passing so slow you weren't sure you could bare it.

You decided to be more positive and promise yourself that you'd smother him in kisses and punches once he got back.

The day was spent with you napping in soft grass and eating whatever the forest had in mind. It was as relaxed and activity free as you told yourself it'd be. And as you neared back to the clan you heard loud noises causing your pointy ears to twitch and stand up taller. It was an unforgettable sound. The sound of Ikrans wings pounding against the wind. It could be anyone's but from the intensity of the sounds you knew it had to be the war party.

Avatar Imagines, Headcannons, NSFW 18+Where stories live. Discover now