Jake ~ You want to be in control? (18+) Part 3

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Not going to lie I was really conflicted on adding smut to this part since both part 1 and 2 had it. But I think it's long enough where there's both a hint of a storyline along with an opening for smut. This was such a bitch to write but here you go.

Sweet moments and sexual ones in here so I wasn't sure what to for music, you guys are welcome to pick! 🤭

Sweet moments and sexual ones in here so I wasn't sure what to for music, you guys are welcome to pick! 🤭

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"Looks like you'll have to stick around with me, to see me old and withered."

You smiled at the floor listening to him,
"I promise."



You sighed, well more like a dry hiss. You were annoyed. You were hoping that you wouldn't have to go to training again. After you and Jake had went off into the forest to do things you wouldn't dare tell a soul, he left you.

He waited until you woke up, and immediately after your eyes fluttered open he explained that he had to leave. He helped dress you back up and left. Leaving you confused. You had no problem navigating getting back home but your mind felt lost. He had waited for you in a way that made you feel pitied. How foolish of you to think he was going to do more.

And yet you wanted to see him. And you did, but as everyone else did. Around the village with short formal greetings. As chief he wasn't above the people but people held a certain respect for him, making him less of a friend to most. Regardless you felt angry, the most you got out of him was a stupid;

"Kalxti, y/n. Make sure to help the gatherers today."

You rolled at your eyes at just the thought. What a Skxawng.

After these resentful three days you prayed to eywa for a miracle that he would call of the lessons. Tell your parents it was no longer needed. Or worst-best case scenario drop dead so you could forget he even existed in the first place.

But alas that wasn't the case. You were a grown woman, an upcoming warrior. Just because you stuck by your parents side doesn't mean they could tell you no. And it was the day for you to train. You contemplated just staying in the village, or taking your ikran for a ride far out. Where nobody could find you.

But that was delusional. You needed to get it together. If he wanted to act this way then so should you.

As you approached the new training area you let out a sigh, he just had to be here before you. You had wished that you could at-least calm your nerves for awhile before he made it. Not to mention today was sparing, the worst with him! He made you fight until you couldn't anymore, jamming every single tactic into your head. He used to be ex-military which made you practice moves your people were not used to. Useful? Yes. A pain to learn? Absolutely.

Avatar Imagines, Headcannons, NSFW 18+Where stories live. Discover now