Jake ~ You want to be in control? 18+

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Jake leaned down to make sure his mouth was near your ear, proceeding to nip at your lobe then whisper, "Look how quick you were to be so good for me. I'm starting to think you being in control just isn't going to work."


You ran through the forest terrain breathing steadily, as expected. You were a next in line warrior and training had been an activity of yours for quite a long time, wether you wanted to or not. Sadly one of your teachers being Jake'sully'. Well...sadly with a hint of excitement. But that wasn't something you wanted to think about at the moment so you continued to run.

You were pretty far out from your village gathering where everyone was meant to be. But it was getting suffocating and you needed an outlet so you decided running until your chest felt heavy would be nice. With your build, it took quite awhile.

You unhooked your wooden bow with small splatters of moss you refused to remove until the plants died off of it. Although it was bright and sunny outside the warmth felt nice to be surrounded by. It felt so nice that you laid your bow down and just laid in the grass letting the trees in front of you entertain your eyes.

Pandora was so beautiful, you couldn't deny it. Something about its atmosphere, the eclipses, the forest and its beings that dwelled within it. A particular being flashed across your mind, scruff and foreign. Toruk Makto. He was a great leader and you had no problem applauding him for it. But he could be intense, like really intense. So much so that he somehow found his way into your head even when you weren't training. It annoyed you, but not enough to push the thought completely out.

You frowned thinking about how embarrassing it would be when he finally chooses a mate to be by his side as a leader. Although you knew it was just a little crush, it still felt uncomfortable to imagine him with someone else, soft and caring. Since with you during lessons, you get so little. It always,

"Lower your arms, how many times am I going to have to make you do this?"

"Hey, who said you could have a break. Pick. The. Bow. Up."

"We're gonna be here all afternoon with that attitude, Miss."

You groaned at thinking about all the interactions. He was so annoying! And he was relentless when it came to training properly. And his words were always so taunting and harsh. Not to mention how many times you had to keep a poker face when he corrected your form with his hands. It would always be sudden, especially if he was annoyed with how you were doing so badly. He'd sneak behind you and place his rough hands on your waist making you spin your body and angle your neck so you'd have a more accurate hit. Every time it let you fantasize for just a little..only a little. Before he'd say something snarky about getting right.

You rolled you eyes and jolted up. This wouldn't do. You ran to escape the gathering and now you needed to escape these thoughts. With utter swiftness you picked up your bow and walked with no direction in mind. You only wanted to just get away. Though you didn't get very far before you heard something. A snap. As hard as Jake was it left you with the best potential out of everyone in your class. You were quick to draw a sharpened arrow from the nail of a palulukan you killed.

Your body was tight and tense. You knew you shouldn't have been so far out but you weren't very level headed sometimes. You looked around calmly but frantically inside as you looked for the potential threat.

Avatar Imagines, Headcannons, NSFW 18+Where stories live. Discover now