Chapter 4

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     When some of the employees loaded us off the truck into the special storage facility I could feel something was off. Everything was so still. It felt like dream that I needed to pinch myself awake. Each animatronic had its own stage.I was put onto mine.

     It was at this time that I noticed my hair and clothes were torn like Elizabeth's were. My hair was looking messing with blood stains in it, while my clothes were badly ripped. I think to myself "It must have gotten like that when I was- flashbacks of the me getting locked in the basement left to die flashed in my eyes." I decided not to think about it. I put on my Funtime foxy mask over my head, feeling embarrassed.

     The employees put Foxy into perform mode so my body was forced to do what he did. If his right arm went up, my right arm went up. If his head turned my head turned. If he sings I am forced to sing. Over and over again. On opening day, all the animatronics were rented and going to separate parties. We went to the parties, performed came back and rested overnight. We went to parties performed came back, and rested over night. It was a loop, no one knew I was Funtime foxy was possessed. It was dreadful.

     Elizabeth and I are the only ones that possess animatronics in circus baby pizza world. We made a plan together to escape But we need to know how the plan would work. Elizabeth went into the old security office and found some blue prints.

     Turns out the other animatronics with nobody possessing them are fused with "agony" of another human that makes them self aware. Agony is a depressing emotion between angry and sorrowful. When someone is feeling this way you can suck out this emotion with something special William designed then inject it into really anything. As long as it has a face, it will talk and move.

     This reminded me of Evan and those five missing children. These weak ass corn dogs! Thinking they can get mess me! I'll use my 1980s anime powers on them!" Eli shrieks after reading the blue print. "What the absolute-" I try to say but remember this book is only minor swearing.

     Hm we need an employee to steal his skin and take his identity, except all of the animatronics are rented in the day when all the employees work. I then gasp at an idea "What if we get of order, break down, and cause problems at night so we can get a night guard!" It truly was a brilliant idea. We flu to the other animatronics and told them what to do and why. We eventually persuaded them into doing so.

     We broke down, moved off our stages, performed, and raided the area at night for eight years up to then end of 1989 when the company had enough funds to hire a night guard. We were going to escape this dungeon!

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