Chapter Three

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-Your POV-

"Maybe coming here was a mistake," I mumble, overwhelmed by the towering mansion Lillie called home.

"Come on!" Mallow shouts and runs through the front gates into a shadowed driveway with a lovely canopy of trees overhead.

Lana, Sophocles, Kiawe, Hau, and I followed closely behind Mallow, enjoying the scenery and nice weather that we've been having, which is convenient for the Regional Dance. The walk was long but worth it once the large house opened its enormous doors to reveal Lillie, with servants and butlers at her sides.

"Welcome!" Cried Lillie once we were close enough to hear her, "I've prepared so much for us to do, so let's get set up for the sleepover, guys!"

I exhale, "Alright, where should we put our things?"

"I'll show you," She says, beaming.

It took literal minutes to walk through the long, winding halls to get to where we were going to sleep. "Is this your bedroom?" I ask timidly before we enter the room.

"Nope," She says blankly, "This is just the room I sleep in. My belongings are somewhere else."

"Wha-?" I'm caught off guard by the spacious room revealed past the simple door. It held minimal furnishings, only a mere bed the size of an elephant and a humongous walk-in closet filled with white dresses. This left plenty of room for the many sleeping bags to be rolled out onto the carpeted floor.

"Should we line up the sleeping bags in the center of the room?" Sophocles asks.

"Yep," Lillie responded, multitasking to her heart's content. She was taking notes on a schedule she wrote, organizing our sleeping bags, and also order snacks and tea from her maids. In short, I've discovered Lillie's hidden talent.

"Wow, Lillie," Mallow exclaimed, "I didn't expect your house to be so big!"

"It's impressive," Lana murmured in her calm and quiet voice.

After everyone has unpacked and organized everything they brought, the snacks appeared at the exact right moment, according to Lillie's schedule. We ate politely and chatted for an hour until Lillie explained the next thing we were going to do. With a quick snap of Lillie's slender fingers, several servants brought in a large tv, a large couch, and bean bag chairs and set them up in an empty corner of the room.

"Just as planned, huh?" Kiawe said, astonished.

"You know it," Lillie laughed with a wink.

"What movie are we gonna watch?" Hau excitedly demands.

"What would you guys like?" Lillie pulled out a remote and clicked the tv on, showing us the selection of channels she had available.

"Oh!" Mallow says, "Have you watched that new anime yet? It's called the 'Refreshing Trio: Alola's Idols!' It's a really fun movie."

"I've heard great things about it." Lillie says.

"Let's watch that then," I decided.

The movie seemed like a huge knock off of Glitter Force, but I didn't mind that much. The actors seemed somewhat familiar... I shook my head. There's no way I could know them. It's not hard to believe Sophocles and Hau were munching away at snacks the entire time. Any way, the movie wasn't too long, which worked out for Lillie's plan, since she proved to have many ideas up her lacy sleeves.

"Next up," Lillie announced after the closing scene of the movie, "Is board games!"

Her servants carried in varius games and placed them on the coffee table in front of the tv. Lillie dismissed the maids and they left with a bow. I took a look over the pile of games, and saw Hau select a Pokemon themed Uno.

"Lets play this!" Hau held the game up in the air enthusiastically.

After many games of various names, Kiawe and Lana won most of them, but I won a couple rounds too. Then, once we had played the majority of the games, it was very late into the night.

"Last thing before bed everyone!" Lillie proclaimed.

"Yeah?" Sophocles mumbles, still stuffing his face with snacks of all sorts in a pile around him.

A wicked smile stretched across Lillie's usually innocent face, "Truth or dare,"


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