Chapter Two

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-Your POV-

"What the heck do you think you're doing?" I exclaim, shaking my hand free from Hau's grasp.

"I... I just thought since the dance-"

"The dance is still days away, Hau." I turn and walk down the classroom frowning.

"Perhaps you should give him a chance, (Y/N)." Lillie tells me quietly as she walks baise me to our lockers.

As I open mine, I mutter, "You just wish you had him."

"I heard that," Lillie says sorrowfully.

"Well? It's true, right?" I ask, frustration lacing my harsh tone.

"It was," She corrects kindly, "But Hau is yours now, (Y/N)."

"Don't say that!" I shout, persistant heat rising to my cheeks.

"Did you not notice the look of a pure broken hearted boy when you stomped away? Hau just wanted to walk you home like a gentleman, but you refused without letting him say a word." Lillie shoulders her lavender backpack and closes her locker, "I'll be going home now. See you on Monday."

I could finally go home for the weekend without Hau's head-over-heels look following my every move. It wasn't creepy that he looked at me, rather annoying, to be honest.

We've been friends all our lives, and this is the way he acts. And Lillie is suggesting I return this love? Do you think I know anything about romance?

I don't read manga about love and obsess over ships like Lillie does on the weekends. Instead, I tend to play video games and eat my favorite junk foods. Not fantasize over relationships.

At least, not usually. I went to bed at the usual time, but my dreams weren't of the boss level I just beat this afternoon.

It was of the dance, I was frozen in fear as announcers introduced each couple that were madly in love. Hau and I on the other hand were nothing like a pair of lovers.

I was glaring at him as usual as he tries to persuade me to play up the act and use more effort. The judges laughed at us, including the famous Sinnoh gym leader Fantina.

What a disgrace.

'This is how it would turn out if I didn't try to change.' That's what I thought when I woke up with a heavy feeling in my heart. It was dread at its worst.

Monday took some mental preparation. Especially since Hau showed up at my door step to walk me to school, which only earned comments from my mom. Once I was ready to go, I was disappointed to see that Hau was still here. Ah, whatever. I'll walk with him.

After a couple minutes of silence, I took his hand, which startled him immensely.

"This is to make up for my rude attitude the other day." I don't meet his eyes and keep my head down when I say this, trying to hide my blush.

I could almost hear Hau squealing in his head: 'Oh my Arceus, (Y/N) is holding my hand!' But he didn't mention it for my sake, and the walk to the poke school was uneventful.

Unfortunately the peace was broken when we arrived, and I saw Lillie holding her phone up, clearly recording us. Attempting not to scowl at my best friend, and failing, I told her, "What's up, Lillie?"

"Oh, you two are so cute together!" She cries.

That's the last straw for me. I wrench my hand out of Hau's grip and quickly walk ahead, red in the face from embarrassment.

I try to ignore both Lillie and Hau for the rest of the day, but I can't when Professor Kukui pairs up the class for an assignment.

Of course, he instructs Hau and me to be project partners with a grin on his tan face. The lesson is an easy one about Pokémon variations. We complete the worksheet in somewhat of an awkward silence.

Lillie comes over once she and Sophocles are done, and the three of them chat until the class is done, while I try to stay as quiet as possible.

But then, Lillie strikes. "Would you guys like to come over to my place for a slumber party tomorrow, since it is the last day before the Regional Dance? I'll invite Lana, Mallow, and Kiawe too."

"Sounds fun!" Sophocles agrees.

"Sure!" Hau smiles, but then glances at me.

"I'll come," I reluctantly grumble.


Sunshine: Hau x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant