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the scotsman let out a tired huff as he climbed off the ladder. he looked up at the banner he hung in pride, happy it was finally straight.

chibs and the rest of the boys were decorating for roses baby shower. they got balloons, streamers, and a piñata. there was no need for the piñata, but tig insisted.

"how's it look boys?" he asked, looking at the pink decorations throughout the clubhouse.

jax smacked one of the balloons and smiled. "i think she's gonna love it," he told him. "even gemma would be impressed."

chibs smiled. "aye, i think she would," he agreed.

bobby finished icing the cake and put it on display. he spent all day baking for the party, and was satisfied with the work he's done. he knew rose has been craving sweets, so he made all kinds.

"food is ready, drinks are cold, and the decorations are hung," bobby announced. "all we need is the baby momma to get this baby shower started!"

chibs smiled at the man before looking down at his phone. gemma was supposed to be here with rose at any moment.

the baby shower was a surprise for the pregnant girl, who had no idea what was going on. gemma just showed up at her house earlier that morning and forced her to get ready.

being 27 weeks into her pregnancy, rose didn't dress up anymore. she mostly wore chib's sweatpants and his shirts. her hair was always thrown up into a bun, and makeup never touched her face.

after gemma insisted she look nice, though, she decided to put effort into her appearance. she wore a pair of black maternity jeans and a pink v-neck shirt. the fabric clung to her swollen stomach and heavy breasts, the low dip in the shirt showed off her growing cleavage nicely.

"you're over halfway, baby, are you excited?" gemma asked as she curled rose's hair.

"i am," rose smiled, rubbing her belly. "i already love her so much. i feel her move and kick... she loves the sound of chibs' voice. she just makes me so happy already."

gemma smiled. "i know the feeling," she said. "jax kicked the shit outta my bladder."

rose chuckled. "i do have to pee— a lot," she complained. "and i'm huge. those are the bad things."

the older woman chuckled, shaking her head. "you're a foot shorter than chibs, of course you're gonna get big," she assured. "you should've seen me with jax. i was the size of a whale i swear."

rose giggled at the thought. she couldn't imagine being any bigger than she already was, but she knew her body would continue to expand. her bump was round and prominent, her breasts were swollen and heavy. her thighs have thickened, and her ass has gotten fatter.

chibs loved her body and always had his hands on her. he was constantly giving her belly rubs and talking to the baby. he made her feel good about her increasing weight and shrinking clothes. made her feel less insecure and love.

when gemma and rose arrived at the clubhouse, the older woman walked in first. the lights were off, and it was quiet. no one seemed to be home.

rose let out a shriek as the lights flashed on and everyone yelled surprise. the clubhouse was full of her friends and family. she looked at the pink decorations hanging on the walls, and smiled.

chibs walked over to his old lady and kissed her. "were you surprised love?" he asked, smiling. "it's ya baby shower."

"i almost peed my pants," she laughed, leaning up to kiss his lips again. "thank you filip. this is amazing."

"you deserve it rosie," he told her, placing his hands on her belly. he could feel his daughter kicking up a storm. "we've got presents for ya, and bobby made cake."

rose smiled and kissed him again. she pulled away from her old man to thank and socialize with the other guests.

jax and opie gave the girl hugs, and tig kissed her swollen stomach. they all congratulated her on it being a girl, and complimented her on how she looked.

bobby offered the girl a chocolate cupcake, which she gladly took. rose was in love with his baked goods. she often craved them.

about an hour into eating, drinking, and talking, it was time to open gifts. rose sat on chibs lap as she opened the presents, showing them off to everyone there.

her absolute favorite was a little black leather jacket with a matching back tutu. it was from gemma, of course.

after presents, the women played a game while the men drank around the bar. chibs didn't take his eyes off of rose. he drank his beer and nodded along to conversation, not paying attention to what his brothers were talking about.

rose looked beautiful. she was laughing and smiling with her friends. her hair was curled, her makeup was done. her growing body was displayed nicely in her maternity clothes.

he didn't understand how he got so lucky.

"have you thought of names?" tara asked rose, taking a sip of her beer.

rose nodded her head. "we've got a few in mind, but we can't agree," she replied. "he wants ella, but i want isobel."

"they're both cute," gemma said.

"name her isobella," layla suggested. "you can call her ella, or isobel, or bella... everyone's happy then."

rose smiled. "you're a genius!" she exclaimed happily.

when jax peeled his eyes away from his friends, he looked to see tara touching rose's belly. he could see the longing look in his girlfriends eyes and slightly panicked.

jax looked to chibs, noticing he was already looking at the women. "you see that?" he asked him in a low tone.

chibs chuckled quietly, taking a drink of his beer. "ye might be in trouble jackie boy," he said. "just don't be disappointed when she doesn't look as good as ma girl when she's pregnant."

jax playfully shoved the older man, letting out a small laugh. "shut up man," he said.

later that night, chibs laid in bed as rose organized her new gifts. he thinks she's beginning to nest. it was adorable to watch her waddle around and clean, but terrifying to interrupt her.

when she walked into the bedroom, she was quick to change out of her clothes and climb into bed next to her old man.

chibs wrapped his arms around her and began to rub her belly. "did you have a good day, love?" he asked.

"it was perfect," she told him. "thank you for everything, filip."

chibs leaned down and kissed her head. "i know this wasn't planned, but im happy it's happenin," he admitted. "you an isobel make me so happy."

rose smiled at the use of her name choice. "isobella," she corrected.

"wha?" he asked. he gently pressed into her belly, wanting the baby to kick him back. he loved feeling his child move.

"we should name her isobella," she said. "it's my name, and yours. you can call her ella, i can call her isobel. others can call her bella. it's a nice name."

the baby kicked against his palm. "i like it," he smiled.

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