CHAPTER 1-Post Clone Wars!

Start from the beginning

He figured the War wouldn't end because he was still around. But he caught wind of the Shut Down order and Order 66. He had cursed himself as he saw this coming. So, he quickly overrides the Shut Down order and activated the Cold Protocol. He and his droid's fled to the Unknown regions for the Protocol to fully work. During their quick escape, (Y/n) did his best to come to terms with what had happened.

While he was doing it, Sidious was curious as to where he went but then found out about his Cold Protocol. He thought it was clever and was honestly impressed that (Y/n) lied to him for so long. But he knew he couldn't let a powerful Sith like him go. He wanted him in the Empire by his side as well as Darth Vader. So, he had tasked some Imperial Officials to track him down. The Galaxy knew he was still Alive and around as (Y/n) notified all Separatist Senator's that he would be back for them, He would come back and retake the galaxy for them, He would free them, this he promised.

So, the Separatist Senator's and Governors held onto hope that he would return. But first, (Y/n) had to rebuild the Droid Army and have a new Capital for the Separatist. Easier said than done. When he and his forces escaped, they just traveled aimlessly through the Unknown regions.

(Y/n) had a Fleet of 20 Munificent Star Frigates, 6 Providence Cruiser/Destroyer's, 3 Recusant Light Destroyers and 1 Lucrehulk Battleship. This Fleet of 30 Ships was all that was left of the Confederacy. That and Thousands upon Thousands of Droids. Almost a Million. Almost. His Fleet had earned a name instead of being numbered.

The Fleet of Absolute Resilience.

This Fleet was feared by most Republic Naval Commanders. Currently, The Fleet was still going through open space. Just aimlessly floating in the vastness of space within the Unknown Regions. The Fleet kept a tight formation in case of an Ambush. (Y/n) was on the bridge with his helmet off and on the holotable in front of him. He was trying to find out what was going on since they fled. His Super Tactical Droid walks over to him.

???: "Sir."

(Y/n): "Altus

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(Y/n): "Altus." he greets, tiredly.

Altus: "based on your tone of voice, I highly recommend getting sleep." he said, worried for his Commanding officer. Though his voice couldn't show it.

(Y/n): "I'll sleep when we have an actual Planet." he said.

Altus put his metal hand on the Admiral's shoulder.

Altus: "I insist." he said. "I can find a planet during the time you are sleeping. I will have a planet by the time you awaken."

(Y/n) looked at his droid companion. This Droid has been his right hand for a while. He trusted him more than anything. Especially since he never wiped his memory, upgraded him and also given him a name. Altus is the best Super Tactical Droid in the Droid Army and a close friend of (Y/n). When it comes from Altus, it comes from him. (Y/n) sighs which turned into a yawn. He hadn't gotten sleep in 3 Days.

The Cold Protocol (Male Sith Reader X Union Academy x Star Wars)Where stories live. Discover now