chapter 4

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The next floor we traveled to floor two which Luigi explains is the Mezzanine.

"Hey maybe there's a ghost in here," I say.

There's a sign that reads 'restaurant'. Luigi nods his head and we try and move the sign, but it wouldn't budge.

"Wait, I might have something," Luigi shoots a plunger from his Poltergust at the sign.

In seconds the sign comes flying towards him, but somehow he's able to direct away from hitting him.

"Well that's one way to move the sign," I joke.

When I open the door I notice Polterpup flying around the hallway. Me and Luigi follow him to a door labeled 'dining room'. Luigi opens it only to find blue ghosts holding baguettes and floating around. He tries to walk past them, but bumps into a glass vase on a table.

This takes the ghosts' interest and they go in for an attack. After a few minutes we clear out all the ghosts and head through another door.

The door takes us to what I presume is a kitchen, but there was so much smoke I couldn't really tell.

"We should get rid of this smoke," I say, coughing a bit.

I hear Luigi's Poltergust start up and I do the same. We stuck up all the smoke to reveal a ghost holding a pan and an abnormally large fish. The ghost looks over at us and starts to get angry. He throws the fish at Luigi, just narrowly missing him. He then menacingly holds up his pan.

After a while of dodging flying pans, and smelly fish Luigi successfully sucks the ghost up. His poltergust shoots out three fish and the next elevator button.

"Mhm those fish smell," I remarked as Luigi went to grab the button.

But, before he can, a mouse eats it and runs away.

We chase after the mouse through hallways, an entertainment room with long, lanky yellow ghosts. We make it to a bathroom, in which Gooigi goes through a pipe to follow the mouse. He retrieves the button successfully, just in time for E Gadd to call us on our VB's.

Once we reach the laboratory, E Gadd quickly explains the upgrades he promptly has.

"Now this device will help you detect boos around the hotel, but I doubt you two will come across any right now" he says.

"Also before I forget your virtual boo allows you to instantly be zapped back to the lab," he explains.

"But, you two have to both activate your VB's in order for the teleportation to work" E Gadd waves us off as we leave the lab.

Luigi and I make it back to the elevator, ready to explore the next floor.

this chapter is a little shorter than the last ones, but I'm mostly using it for filler.

anyways ty for reading my story ♡

-Strange Hotel- Luigi x Reader Where stories live. Discover now