Chapter 8 ;; Timelines

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Really sorry for my messy writing, rn I'm writing this at 11pm
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I try finding Snatcher once again, but as I enter his house, I feel something stab me. I reverse, and try finding Snatcher again. I finally found him, holding a knife. "Why are you doing this?"

He tries hitting me, but I block it with my staff. I realise that, the only way to escape this was to kill him. I cast a spell, as it summons a fireball. It hits him, but doesn't kill him. After summoning a few fireballs, I realise it's all useless. I have to delete him from existence, or I die right here, right now. I cast the spell to delete him from existence, and now he is gone.

I'm not teleported anywhere, but I level up. There are 2 paths, I can either become a Space Mage or continue being the Time Mage. Somehow, I manage to pick both. My title was now the Universal Mage, and I look through a few timelines... And realise I've been doing this Time Mage thing since the start, all because I promised him a happy ending. I look around my surroundings, and keep my title a secret. I ask people to call me the Time Mage, as I don't want to be known as the Universal Mage.

I reset the timeline, people still remember me as the Time Mage. I have flashbacks every now and then, but yet, I still like Snatcher. I keep the promise, where I try so hard to get a happy ending. But every time I reset, we grow further apart. I've started to hate him by the 258th timeline, and now we hate eachother. He's tried killing me a total of 60 times, and he's still at it.

Until, I was nearing the 300th timeline. I was losing it, and when he tried to kill me I fight back. We've been fighting for 8 minutes now, shooting eachother with guns and constantly dodging. We're basically going nowhere, and I throw out my gun. I pull out a new one, then point it at my head. I close my eyes, as I hear him say...

" No wait, please you're the only thing I have- " Everything is blocked out, as I pull the trigger as hard as I can. He tries tripping me to let go of my gun, but I've already pulled the trigger. I completely stop time, grab the gun, and get up from the floor. I point the gun at his head, thinking about what I'm going to do for a minute.

Then, I put the gun but not completely. I pull the trigger, and close my eyes. Before the bullet hits him, it stops due to the time stoppage. I look away and the bullet hits him, and he turns into white ribbons of light, as I try shooting it but it pins me to the wall with no chance of breaking out. I see another Snatcher jump down, as he says, "I lied. I lied again. You thought I changed, but that was a deception... " As he stands there, smiling. Suddenly, a fire extinguisher falls between us, and a sword hits it. I was set free, and brought back to my home.

I get out of here, and go back to subcon forest. I try waving at him, but he just pulls out a knife. I can tell he still hates me, he smirks at me. I pull out my staff, and cast a spell to make me invisible. I hide in a bush, as he tries finding me. A few hours pass, and I can feel like he's still there. I pull out a bomb, detonate it, then throw it at him. I hear him scream, and then a few minutes pass, the screaming stops.

Oh god, I think I killed him... I try so hard to care, but yet, I feel nothing about this ending. There was no happy ending, at least to me. To some, there was no ending at all. I reset the timeline once again, and this time, I reset my memories. The only thing I wasn't aware of, was that, Snatcher was aware every time I reset the timeline.

I find Snatcher, he says, "(Y/N)! That's you!" It's clear to me he still remembers, but he doesn't know that I don't remember.

"Wait—How did you know my name? Isn't this our first time meeting...?"

"What? We've met before, haven't we? Do you not remember?"

" I don't remember... What's your name again? "

"Snatcher. I'm Snatcher."

"Snatcher... Snatchersnatchersnatchersnatchersnatcher. Snatcher! I'm saying your name 8 times, that way I'll never forget! Because 8 on its side is infinity! Though, it has a nostalgic ring to it...! Something feels familiar about you, like you're an old friend!"

"What do you remember before this timeline? If you don't mind me asking."

"Before this timeline...? I remember making a promise with someone, but I don't know who, or what."
It was very clear I reset my memories to him, then after a bit, he realises that.

"I'll make you remember." He pulls out a knife, and I reverse time to when this timeline started. A new, blank slate. I realise I'm doing all of this for nothing, and whenever he was nice in a timeline, I finally found out that he was just acting, as if he never tried to murder me.

It's just a loop after a loop, and I can't do anything about it. Deep down, I know he hates me and that will never change, but yet, I still try so hard to keep our promise. I don't understand why, but yet, I care for him. Then, as I start remembering everything, the world around me shatters. Everything breaks, and now I'm in outer space. I float around, trying to find more people...

I realise all the other timelines are ending, as now, this is the last timeline. And I might just be the last person to ever exist, I watch as the universe ends. It's all because I kept the universe out of balance, there were too many timelines... And it was all because of me, and all the stars just disappear. The world just fades to black, all remaining matter in existence, collapses back into one singular point. From which, a new universe is born.

In the vast abyss, two tiny dots of light come into existence, and in the silence, the dots of light connect and begin to expand. And as they grow closer, they begin to glow, and as if by fate, they touch eachother. And, as the points of light touch, it forms a heart. I feel as if I'm losing my powers, I try to reverse but nothing happens. And now, I'm stuck in space. I hear something, from one of the stars.

It says, "We were good friends, you know." And I feel like, it was a voice from long ago. Forever, I was in the vast abyss.

The End.

Or maybe...

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I don't know if I should end it off here :3
Word count: 1193

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