Chapter 5 ;; Mafia Town

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"When going over there, just avoid making eye contact with the Mafia and you'll be fine. Good luck, fellow rebel!"
You quickly jumped and landed on the other platform, a Mafia had the Time Piece and you asked for it. The Mafia said no, so you beat him up. Once you were done fighting him, he dropped the time piece. 

You started exploring Mafia Town, but you heard the blonde haired girl start screaming for help. You hurriedly went to where the screaming came from, once you got there, there was a lot of barrels and a few Mafias.
"Hey! Child! Shoo! Mafia can't have child witness when Mafia teaching lesson." 
You just blankly stared at the mafia.
"This is awkward for Mafia! Mafia not sure what to do."
The other Mafia asked, "Boss, what do we do with eyewitness?"
The one that grabbed the blonde haired girl said "Teach her lesson, boys!"
You thought, "Why does there always have to be a fight everywhere I go..."

(pov switch)

One Mafia came down, you started hitting him. He died and dropped pons, the other one came down too and it didn't do anything cause you were hitting it as much as you could. Another one came down and you started hitting it, it died. Another one came down, repeat. The last one came down and said "Mafia won't bow to little girl! Prepare to feel Mafia's wrath!!" He said, as he was throwing down spiked barrels at me. I dodged it by jumping and running, though he said  "Do not think about avoiding barrels!" I ignored what he said and started dodging it, he said "See if girl could handle this barrel!"

He started throwing spiked barrels with explosives in it, and would explode after a few seconds of being thrown down.  "Heads up, little punk!" he said, as he threw 2 barrels at me. I tried dodging them, but they didn't have explosives in them so I had to jump over them to dodge. The 2 barrels bumped into each other and exploded, the Mafia threw down 2 barrels at me again. I jumped over them, as they bump into each other and explode.

"This lead nowhere! Mafia need to take care of this Mafia style." I just kept hitting him, he died after a lot of hits. He didn't die as fast as the others did, though. You hit him one last time and he got flung away into the ocean, and a Time Piece appeared. You got the Time Piece, and the blonde haired girl started talking.
"Pfft. Can you believe them? What a bunch of losers."
"Hey, you're alright, new kid. Do you have a name?"


"No? You shy? That's cool. You're a 'less talk, more fighting' kind of girl, I take it."
"That thing you grabbed there... are you collecting them? Because I know where there's more of them. They've been raining from the sky ever since you arrived. I've seen the goons bring them to their headquarters waaay up there. We should go up there and get your junk! It'll be fun! I'll take any opportunity that involves messing up the Mafia. You with me, buddy?"

"Are you ready to take down some Mafia?! Let's do it! I'm psyched! Let's go over the plan! All assaults need a good plan, or it'll be a flop! First, we strangle them! Choke 'em and watch 'em beg for mercy! That'll show them!"

"Damn, where'd you get this much hate for them? What did they do to you???"

"Anyways, strangling is too kind. We smash them together into mush, and put their remains in a
jar! Then we sell the jar for pocket money! That'll be the ultimate salt in the wound!"
"... *ahem* But first, we have to make it through their Mafia HQ. Once we find and dethrone the Mafia Boss, the rest will follow. Then our mush and jar party will be no problem!"

I agreed, and went to mafia town. It was a rainy night, you tripped and fell in mud and Mafias started being afraid of me and running away. I quickly got up to the Mafia HQ and saw a Mafia with green glasses, holding a Time Piece. "What the... HUH?! It's... It's slimy space alien!"

"Oh please, stop dehumanizing me would you?"

"MAFIA SAW SPACESHIP! MAFIA KNEW ALL ALONG! MAFIA IS BEING INVADED BY ALIENS!" He started running and jumping over to the other platform, you got to where he was and he was shocked and started climbing up the crates leading to another platform. I jumped on a platform and landed nearby the Mafia, he was shocked once again and jumped to another platform. I followed, everything kept repeating until he reached a dead end. 

"Leave Mafia alone, you monster! Here, if Mafia give you this, will you go away?"

"As I said before, stop dehumanizing me. But yes, if you give me that, I'll go away."
He then dropped the Time Piece on the floor, and I got it. I still had to go to the Mafia HQ again for the blonde haired girl, I quickly went there and you saw the blonde haired girl on some kind of platform. 

"You took your time! Help me out here! Get these brutes off my case and we can go inside!" I killed all the Mafia, and the blonde haired girl told you "Good job, kid!" and she got on one of the buttons, since it needed 2 people. I got on the other one, and the entrance opened. "Let's go, it's showtime baby!" You saw a Mafia bring a Time Piece to the other entrance, but you couldn't get in since another Mafia was blocking it. And someone threw a can at you, for some reason.

I explored, and you saw a room with a key in it. It was caged though, and I couldn't get to it without having something on the button. You got on the ceiling, but there were rats on there which would damage you. There was a cat, and a bucket near it. I got the bucket, and brought it to the room with a key in it. It worked, and I got the key. I explored the other side of the room, and found a kitchen. There was a locked door, and the blonde haired girl was near it.

I talked to her, "Go ahead, kid! Open this thing up and I'll keep guard here." and unlocked the door, it was so cold in here, almost like it was a freezer...?? I got to the exit, leading me to the throne of the Mafia Boss. There were jewelries and coins everywhere, I tried approaching the Mafia Boss but some bars were pushed down and you had to defeat the Mafias.

After defeating the Mafias, I approached the Mafia Boss. "So... it is you! Ever since you landed in Mafia Town, it's been raining with these magical hourglasses. You must be very lost, kid. You're in the heart of our town, standing before the most powerful man you will ever witness. Everything you've ever owned belongs to me now. Including this hourglass piece. If you want it, we'll have to settle it in true Mafia style!"

The moment he called me kid, it reminded me of Snatcher. FUCK. What am I doing at this point, I really shouldn't have done his contracts or anything so that none of this would happen... If I never signed that stupid contract. You were snapped out of your thoughts by the Mafia Boss saying "Lights! Action! It is... showtime." and of course I had to fight him. He started attacking me by spinning, I hit him before he could hit me.

Some sacks appeared, and they fell like there was a pattern. I quickly dodged, the Mafia Boss came back on the stage. He started making these electric things that would damage me, I just had to jump over them. He eventually got dizzy and hit him, while he was vulnerable to attacks. Sacks appeared again, repeat. The Mafia Boss threw 2 of his weapons, and I almost got hit by one of them. I hit him, the attacks repeated. He then got the whole crowd form a ball, but there was this small space you could get on so you could hit him. You got in the small space, and hit the Mafia Boss. All the attacks repeated, I hit him one last time and he died.

Then he dropped the Time Piece, and you got it. But the blonde haired girl snatched it, and appeared from behind. "So what do these things do, anyway? Are they some sort of rare collector's item for nerds?" She then dropped it, it broke but something reversed time and it didn't break. "Whoa, WHAT?! Wha... did, uhm... did you know about this?" You quickly got the Time Piece, and nodded no. "This is crazy! Do you even realize what could be done with these? We could make it so that you never got punched in the face by the Mafia that one time! We could beat up the Mafia, travel back in time, and then beat them up again! No, wait, we could make it so the Mafia never arrived on the island! Wait, wait, wait, even better! We could be crime-fighting time travellers!" You nodded no, again and put the Time Piece in your pocket.

"Wait, what?! This doesn't make any sense! You have all this power, and you're not going to use it to fight evil? If you're not going to use them to fight evil... Then I will! I'm not gonna let this island remain as Mafia Town! I'll collect all the Time Pieces for myself! You have my word on it!" After she said that, she quickly left. I realized that she pickpocketed half of my pons, before I went back to the spaceship to get my stuff.


end of chapter 5

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