Chapter 2 ;; Vanessa's manor

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You saw some paintings...

You thought, "Maybe I need these to kill those Fire Spirits...?"

..."We want to die! Yay!"

"We want to burn bright, and then burn out! Become a cloud of smoke!"

"Our bonfire needs more fuel... only the finest paintings will do! Can you help us?" The Fire Spirit said happily.

"Um... Okay?" You said.

You picked the paintings up, one by one. Throwing them into the Fire Spirit's bonfire.

Once you put all 4 paintings in the Fire Spirit's bonfire, they said "Thank youuuuu!!" as they disappeared into thin air.

Shortly after, the ghost thing showed up.

"WELL DONE! Please tell me they suffered. You murdered them, right? I bet you strangled them. Good girl! HAHAHA!!"

"Don't think I'm done yet with you yet, though! There's more of these pests around my forest, and I need you to take care of every single one."

"Next on your to-do list: Clean up the Subcon Well. That's right, you're a plumber now! Congratulations on your promotion!"

"I also have some... other... work for you that I cannot do myself. And hey, as long as I need you, you get to stay alive. What a deal, huh?"

You were about to fall asleep, AGAIN.

"But enough talk! You look like you could handle multiple things on your plate at once! Let's get you an additional contract!"

"Pick one, but only one! Isn't it thrilling to sign your life away?"

2 Contracts appeared in front of you, you decided to check one out.

You checked out the first one,

"Get me something from the manor

Enter the manor

Find out what's in the attic."

Then you checked the second one,

"Deliver Subcon Mail

Deliver packages to 10 of my minions."

You thought, "The Manor doesn't seem too bad... Right??" You signed the contract.

"Good choice! Let's hope you're up for the task!"

The ghost thing went away, like disappeared into thin air. You thought, "I'll clean the well first."

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