Chapter 4 ;; Toilet Of Doom

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Last thing you need to do is to defeat the boss, you quickly went to the boss and it was a... toilet?
You went in and started fighting the toilet, you hooked on the lantern at the center while the toilet was there and you quickly hit it with your umbrella. The toilet started giving out these green circles which would hurt you, but once the green circles wore out, there would be apples or life pons dropping from it sometimes.

You hooked on the lantern at the center again and hit it with your umbrella, after a few minutes an apple dropped from the green circle and you hit the toilet with it. The toilet went in the center and spawned 1 green circle and 2 white ones, 1 had a life pon and the other had an explosive apple in it. You hooked on the lantern and got the apple, quickly threw it to the toilet.

The toilet went in the center again but instead of 1 green circle and 2 white ones, it spawned 3 green circles and 3 white ones. 2 of them had a life pon, 1 of them had an explosive apple. You got the explosive apple and threw it at the toilet again. 

The toilet went in the center again, dropped a huge explosive apple and it was gonna detonate in a few seconds but the toilet was vulnerable to attacks. You jumped on the platforms you could use to get on the explosive apple and hit the toilet, making it drop on the floor and vulnerable to attacks once again.

It dropped another huge explosive apple and was vulnerable to attacks, you hit it and then it dropped on the floor. It then landed on the center, you couldn't hit it and it started attacking you. After dodging it's attacks, it became vulnerable to attacks once again so you hit it. It started attacking again, but during the attack it was vulnerable to attacks, you hit it once again.

You dodged it's attacks once again, it became vulnerable to attacks. You hit it, and the fight was finally over. The contract was completed, and you went back to Subcon Forest. You visited Snatcher again.

"Remember where you fought the toilet of doom earlier? Meet me there later."

You just nodded yes, on your way to the toilet of doom's battle field you heard Snatcher whisper something to himself again but you couldn't be bothered to listen, you could barely hear it anyway.
"I'm sorry I had to do this, Y/N"
Once you arrived at the battle field, you saw snatcher there, at the center.

Snatcher said, "Wait up, kid. Remember how the old contractor had his head pop off?"
"That wasn't a coincidence. It popped off the moment he stopped being useful to me."
"And guess who else just became obsolete? That's right. You."
"Now that that possessed outhouse isn't bothering me anymore, and all of those contracts of yours are tidied away... I don't need you around."
"Besides, you didn't think I was gonna let you keep all these Time Pieces, did you? They fell in my forest, kid! They belong to ME."

"Time you saw what I'm really capable of, kid. Say goodbye to that little head of yours!"

He started attacking you, but you started dodging by jumping and running.

"You're probably waiting for me to turn blue, aren't you?"
"Sorry kiddo, blue doesn't suit me. And I guess that makes me invincible, huh? That's too bad! HA HA HA HA HA HA!"

He started throwing blue potions at you, you kept dodging them but then you thought "What if I used these to hit Snatcher...?"

"Not enough? Let's try 1,000!"
This time, it was harder to dodge. You got hit and barely made it out, but you still survived.

"Too many, eh? Let's try just one!"
It was easier to dodge, you just jumped out of the way.
"Wait, hold on."
"That one should have totally hit you!"

"Come on, give it a chance!"
There was a blue potion over you, following you as you moved. You just kept jumping and running, until it landed and it missed you.
"You're kinda rude, aren't you?"
He started attacking you again, this time you got hit. But you dodged all the other attacks, until Snatcher started throwing blue potions at you again. One of them dropped, you quickly got it and threw it at him.

"Did you just color me blue with my own attack?"
"This can't count, right? Surely this doesn't count?"

"That does it, time to DIE."
He started attacking you, you just dodged it though. One of them hit you too, but after the attack was over, 2 of him got close to you and you had to hit one of them. Thankfully you hit the real him, the other was a cardboard cutout...? After that, he made some kind of fire emerge from the ground. He was vulnerable to attacks, you quickly hit him. He made fire emerge from the ground again, it was hard to dodge but you still managed to survive.

He attacked you, but he was vulnerable to attacks. You dodged his attacks and started hitting him, he kept repeating his attacks but he was still vulnerable to attacks and hit him. After that, the fight ended.

"You're such a disrespectful young lady..."

"I feel... so weak..."

You just drank the coke you bought earlier, clearly ignoring him.
"Please... have mercy..."

"Please... HAVE A SEAT"

A bench appeared from thin air, you were already sitting on it...??
"All these Time Pieces landed in MY forest. They are MY property."
"So, let's make a deal, young lady. You get out of my forest, and we never see you again. How's that sound for a deal?"
"Not a fan? Too bad! You don't make the calls here."
You examined the contract.
" [   ] Get Out
   [   ] Just Get Out

take all your junk
and leave.

Signed ______"

"Here, I'll make it even easier for you!"
He stamped the contract.
"Now all that's left for you is to sign it!"

You started signing it, but then you just scribbled out everything and continued signing it.
"...You understand that's not how contracts work, right?"
"I'm giving you a chance to scram, kid! There's no catches or clauses this time!"
"What if I give you your soul back, will that make you leave?"
You got your soul back! You feel relieved, energised, and just the usual amount of empty!
"Yes? No? Hello? Are you there? Why aren't you saying anything?"

"...You're quite the character, aren't you. And a tough negotiator."
"Fine, I'll sweeten the deal for you."
A Time Piece appeared! 
"Here, take my last Time Piece. If I continue to see you around my forest after this, I'll be very disappointed!"

You were sent back to the spaceship, you saw Hat Kid there. "Wow, you're back! How'd it go?"

"Horrible, everything felt like a fever dream."

"Okay, that really doesn't sound good... I really expected something else, I think you should visit mafia town!" Hat kid said, and both of you went to mafia town.

"I'll be back to the space ship now, bye!"

"Yeah, bye..."
Some stupid part of you still missed Snatcher, but you brushed it off. It was only because you thought you cared for him, besides he was really rude. You saw a blonde haired girl, you tried following her but she kept running away. You stepped on a button and it pulled her up to the tower nearby, "Hey you, down there! Don't think I didn't see you stalking me!"

"Us kids should stick together, not stalk one another. I mean, Mafia Town can be a really dangerous place! So whaddaya say, wanna join my little rebellion?"
"Oh, by the way, did you have anything to do with the junk falling from the sky? Yeah? Yikes, looks like you've got a lot of cleaning up to do, huh?"
"Tell you what, come up here and I can show you where some of your junk landed!"

You stepped on the button and a platform appeared, you jumped on it and as soon as you got near the blonde girl she jumped down. "Follow me, rebel squad!" You did as she said, follow her. After a few minutes of following her, she pointed to where a Time Piece was.
"Hey! I think one of your junk pieces fell and smashed right into the market's fountain. Messed it up real good."
"When going over there, just avoid making eye contact with the Mafia and you'll be fine. Good luck, fellow rebel!"


end of chapter 4
i posted 2 chapters in a day! yay!

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