letting go

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Tw: su!cide and swearing

As he stood there on the bridge he exhaled calmly but shakily.
He took a step forward so that he was close to the ledge ond climbed onto the railing.

Sam had been struggling with depression for years. He swore never to tell anybody, they wouldn't care anyway, right?
On the outside he seemed so happy, he wouldn't, no he couldn't let anyone see beneath his mask of fake joyfulness.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath and fell forward letting go of the rail.

*Colby and the room-mates*

"WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?!" Colby yelled, pain clear in his voice as he collapsed to his knees and broke into a sob, "Colby everything is gonna be ok, sam probably just went out somewhere" jake spoke in his usual calming voice, it enfuriated Colby. "HE WOULD TELL ME IF HE WAS GOING SOMEWHERE" he yelled before storming off to his room.

"for fuck sake sam please answer" Colby whisper cried calling him bit still no answer.


*After sam was found*

Colby hadn't moved from his bed once, just laying there numb yet feeling the most emotion he'd ever felt all at the same time. "Sam, I'm so sorry I never helped you, I should have realised, if I wasn't such an awful friend you would still be here right now" Colby cried.

He pulled out his phone and scrolled through the countless photos and memories they had shared together. This is how his days would go on for months, he would never recover from this.

"I love you sam, and I need you."

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