Chapter 49: Figures

Start from the beginning

"I was just joking, Goddess!" - He rolled his eyes.

"I know, Chris. Just saying: you dodged a bullet with Lisa. And be glad my cousin was the better person and spoke on your behalf even when you ignored her like she had leprosy." - I shot back, not in the mood.

I don't mean to be discourteous to him, who is very near and dear to my heart. But the further he gets away from her, the better.

"It's better for her that I ignored her, trust me. Some things are better left unsaid." - He sounded ticked off.

"I agree with you, brother." - I said, glancing at Tristan.

The morning after, we got up to go to school just like any other Friday. Evan showed up to pick up Tristan and Sarah took the smaller ones.

When we got there, people were buzzing about another surprise pairing that apparently is freaking the humans out.

Two male students, one junior and one senior got mated to each other.

We're all legitimately baffled at the surprise pairing. Neither of them are out. But Lex is grinning mischievously like he somehow saw that coming. At least, for one of those boys.

I guess it's true he had a taste of all the closeted boys from the school. I mean, except for one as far as I'm concerned. Not that I'm gonna ask him that.

"Are you nervous about Monday?" - I asked Lena at the end of the first period.

"Not really, no. I can't have who I really want, so as long as I don't get a football player, I'm good." - She replied in a vulnerable tone.

Of course, we all heard what she meant by that loud and clear, #Chrissa did too. But Teddy and Roger are looking at her like... 'what do you have against football players?'

It's freaking hilarious.

"Have you decided if you're coming or not?" - She asked me, intrigued.

"Yeah, I am. I think I deserve to have a family despite everything." - I answered honestly. This surprised my friends and mate.

"You do have a family. And you do deserve it. Bring your appetite because my mom can cook the best pollo guisado you've ever tasted in your life!" - She bragged, grinning wide.

"Well, I have no idea what that is, so I'm guessing it's a good thing." - I croaked, nervously.

"It's basically chicken stew." - Tris informed me.

"Oh, in that case count me in! I love a good stew." - I said, already excited at the prospect.

"Good. I'm glad I got a new cousin out of this. We never had a boricua dated to a Livingstone before." - She said proudly, carefully choosing her words in front of the humans.

"It's just sad I have no idea what that means." - I mumbled.

"I'll teach you." - She spoke, grinning.

We went to the next class as we're already behind.

"Wait, our family are puerto ricans? I thought we were mexicans!" - I gasped at the revelation.

"It's a common misconception. But yeah, we're boricua and proud." - She replied with a pleasant smile.

"How cool! I'd love to know the culture a little. I mean, apart from the language." - I commented, excited.

"Of course, cousin. Come to our house on Sunday and we'll begin your education." - She smiled at me.

"It's a date." - I winked at her.

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