The Dice Game- Part 1(Chapter 40)

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The Dice Game - Part 1

Vaishampayana continued his narration of the Mahabharata to King Janamejaya. "Oh King, the Pandavas, Kunti and Draupadi reached Hastinapura the following day. They were given a grand welcome with citizens showering flowers their way. There was much pomp and splendour at the sight of the righteous Pandavas.

Dhritarashtra, Bheeshma, Drona, Kripa, Gandhari and all the Kuru elders along with Shakuni, Duryodhana and his brothers and Karna were present to welcome the Pandavas.

Yudhishthira immediately prostrated to Bheeshma, then Drona, then Dhritarashtra and Gandhari as well as Kripa seeking their blessings. Each of them blessed the righteous Pandava whole-heartedly. The other Pandava brothers as well as Draupadi followed the actions of Yudhishthira and sought the blessings of the Kuru elders. Kunti was welcomed dearly as well.

"Oh Yudhishthira,", Bheeshma said. "I am not too happy that you accepted the invitation to engage in something as dangerous as gambling. However, I understand that your principles are important to you. I only wish the lord is with you and your family today", he said with a heavy heart.

Yudhishthira turned to Shakuni and sought his blessings as well. Duryodhana then put up his best fake smile and sought the blessings of Yudhishthira. He then said, "I am truly grateful you have accepted our invitation to play the game of dice.".

"I'm sure it will be a memorable one for you all", Duryodhana said with a sly grin.

Bheema and Arjuna looked at each other suspiciously. They knew Duryodhana was up to no good and were curious as to why he was putting an act of an obedient younger brother.

Arjuna paid salutations to the valorous Karna and he too reciprocated it. Although sworn enemies, they admired each other's prowess in archery and had respect for each other. Little did they know that they are indeed sons of the same mother.

The next morning, after performing daily religious rites, the Kuru elders, the Pandavas and the Kauravas along with Shakuni were present at the hall of gambling, ready to begin the game. Bheeshma, Drona, Kripa and Vidura were seated behind the players onlooking the game with heavy hearts. The women including Draupadi, Gandhari and Kunti did not wish to witness the gambling, considering it was in nature an immoral sport. They therefore rested in their respective chambers. Sahadeva began to feel an uneasy intuition. He whispered to Arjuna, "Oh brother, I feel uneasy. I fear the outcome of the gamble will be the source of great adharma!".

"Perhaps, we should stop brother Yudhishthira!", Sahadeva said anxiously.

"Oh Sahadeva, you know that brother Yudhishthira will never decline gambling when invited. Yes, I too fear something very wrong might happen due to this. However, we cannot stop what is to come. Let us pray to the lord and hope for the best", Arjuna said temporarily calming Sahadeva.

Shakuni, sitting next to Duryodhana, addresses Yudhishthira and said, "Oh great emperor, let us see the stakes!".

"Oh uncle Shakuni, please tell me who is to wager with me on each round", Yudhishthira asked.

Duryodhana then said, "Brother Yudhishthira, I will provide the stakes and my uncle will be playing on my behalf.".

This alerted the Kuru elders and the Pandavas. However, it was too late to back down and none said a word. "It is improper to play that way, however I cannot decline playing at this point. And it is you who have invited me to play, therefore let the game commence in the way you desire", Yudhishthira said.

Yudhishthira then held the necklace he was wearing and said, "I wager this necklace of pearls set in the finest gold. It's value is beyond imaginable.".

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