The Invitation- Chapter 39

Start from the beginning

"Uncle, I am unsure if our plan will succeed if my father has decided to involve Vidura", Duryodhana told Shakuni in anger.

"Oh nephew, why do you always worry in haste? Let things happen as they do. I completely guarantee that our plan will succeed with or without Vidura's interference. Fear not!", Shakuni said.

Meanwhile, Dhritarashtra summoned Vidura, who promptly made his way to the king's chamber.

"Oh king, you called for me", Vidura said bowing down.

"Vidura, my trusted minister. I have called you to discuss a very important matter for which I need your advice in making the right decision", Dhritarashtra said.

"Oh king, you know I consider it my utmost duty to be of service to you. Pray tell me what is the issue at hand?", Vidura said.

"Now that Yudhishthira has become the emperor who has conquered the world and completed the mighty Rajasooya Yagna, I believe it is time to invite them to Hastinapura to strengthen the bond between the Kauravas and Pandavas", Dhritarashtra said.

"Duryodhana too has expressed that he wishes to invite Yudhishthira and his brothers to play a game of dice. I wish to support it but wanted to consult with you before making a decision", Dhritarashtra said.

The wise Vidura then replied, "Oh king, please forgive me but I cannot approve of this.".

"Any game that requires gamble can never bring about any good, especially the notorious game of dice. I am sure it will only result in further discord between the cousins. Therefore Oh king, I plead to you to not invite Yudhishthira to a game of dice", Vidura said and left the chamber, leaving Dhritarashtra perplexed.

Dhritarashtra then went to his son and tried to convince him against the invitation.

"Duryodhana, what Vidura says is correct. A dice game can only bring about enmity and disunion, which can very much destroy empires. Do not play dice my son. I know Vidura will never wish us any ill", he said.

"Desiring for what belongs to another is a sin and has potential to cause great destruction. Those that are happy with what they possess achieve true happiness and tranquility", Dhritarashtra advised his son.

"Oh king, have you been completely influenced by your wise minister? Are you spitting out his words to me? Do not attempt to delude me with such words", Duryodhana said in anger.

"It is clear that you either just blatantly do not wish to do what interests me or you want to aggravate me further", Duryodhana said.

"No son that is not —"

"No father! Vanquishing your enemies is the primary dharma of Kshatriyas, be it by fair or foul means! The one that strives for further progress shall become the supreme statesman", Duryodhana said.

"A weapon may not just be one that physically pierces the enemy. Anything that is able to trouble and weaken the enemy implicitly or explicitly can also be called a weapon", Duryodhana said.

"Duryodhana, why don't you understand? Gambling can never be the solution. You may consider it a blessing but know that it is really a curse that would end only in a clash of arrows and swords!", Dhritarashtra warned.

"I completely disagree Oh king! Gambling was invented as a solution that neither led to war nor destruction and bloodshed. The game of dice will either open the door of prosperity for us or for the Pandavas without single drop of blood to shed", Duryodhana said.

King Janamejaya, there is a saying. What is meant to happen will happen, no matter how much you try to stop it and what is not meant to happen will never happen, no matter how much you desire for it to happen. Who or what is more powerful than time and fate? Blinded by his love for Duryodhana, Dhritarashtra conceded and ordered Vidura to invite Yudhishthira to Hastinapura for the dice game.

"Vidura, I want you to personally invite Yudhishthira to the game of dice with Duryodhana", he said.

"Oh king, I had already expressed my apprehensions about this — "

"Vidura, do as you are told. I cannot convince Duryodhana and I can't see him ruin his health if I don't do as he says", Dhritarashtra said in frustration.

"Oh king, this will only bring in discord, doom and destruction. I plead you to reconsider — "

"Vidura, this is my order! Please go to Indraprastha and invite Yudhishthira to play the dice game", Dhritarashtra ordered.

"As you wish Oh king. Who can change what has already been destined to happen?", Vidura said in disdain and left.

He promptly prepared his chariot and left to Indraprastha.

At Indraprastha, the Pandavas and Draupadi, with due respect, welcomed him. He also paid his salutations to Kunti. Vidura was extremely proud to see Yudhishthira and Draupadi as emperor and empress of the world and the Pandavas with their immense riches and prosperity. However, remembering the purpose of his visit, he also began to feel anxious for them. He did not want them to lose all they had earned with their diligent efforts and goodwill.

"Oh Yudhishthira, I have come here, on behalf of the king, to invite you to Hastinapura to play the game of dice with Duryodhana", Vidura said.

"But Yudhishthira, as your well wisher, I request you to please decline this invitation. It will only bring about further discord and ultimately lead to destruction between the Pandavas and the Kauravas", Vidura said.

"What uncle Vidura says is right Oh brother", Bheema said. "That Duryodhana can never do us any good. This must be another conspiracy plotted by him and his uncle to trap us!".

Yudhishthira then said, "Uncle Vidura, you have always been our guide and our saviour. It is due to you we were able to evade the Lakshagraha conspiracy and come out alive. However, this is a question of my Dharma. When invited to a game, I never refuse, be it anybody. Even if it is my enemy. I therefore cannot decline this invitation.".

"I am ready to face any consequences of my decision. I know that the lord is there to help me and my family from any potential troubles and danger. However, I cannot live another second knowing that I have broken my code of conduct", Yudhishthira said.

"You are wise Yudhishthira. I know that you will not decline this invitation. Yet I suggest you all to please pray to the lord to protect you all from any unfortunate events that may occur as an outcome of this dice game", Vidura said in worry.

The Pandavas, Kunti and Draupadi, along with Vidura, prepared to leave to Hastinapura. Subhadra stayed back to take care of her son Abhimanyu. In speedy chariots with trusted soldiers, they all made their way to Hastinapura, unaware of the great injustice that was about to transpire"", Vaishampayana concluded.

A/N: Hey everyone! So I realize that you may be thinking that the past two chapters have been filler chapters, however these chapters are necessary to build up to an extremely important part of the story! The actual dice game! I am going to try to make it a 4 parter! The next four chapters will hopefully cover the events of the dice game! It will be heart wrenching and I hope you all are ready for it! Hope you all liked this chapter and as always, please do vote and comment! Until then, see you with the first part of the dice game chapters!!

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