Chapter 8: Dead Man Walking

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The cold weather, the loud breeze and the sound of the heavy rain on the street was comfort to All-Might's thoughts, The thought of Blackout knowing One for All, The thought of who told him and the thought that has been hurting All-Might to his heart, All-Might thought of who told him of the Secret, was it All for One?, Shigaraki? or that age deprived doctor? Maybe it was too much in the grand scheme of things but maybe there was a parallel here that All Might could touch or encounter

The Light's flicker on the distance, The worn down pavement and the sudden ringing of a phone was more than enough to frighten All-Might as he answered the phone a familiar voice took All-Might by surprise

"Good Evening All-Might" said Blackout "Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you, Yet"

"What do you want Blackout?"  asked All Might 

"Not Even gonna ask how I got your Number?"

"No" said All-Might 

"Well, Let's talk firstly I was a Big Fan of yours back in the day, Oh I loved to see you work but now? Maybe those feelings are different, Hatred, Anger and Disappointment" said Blackout


"Remember Izuku? That kid you killed over the TV?" 

"That wasn't my Fault"

"Oh, Of course not but you had to take One for All from him, He could have just defended himself but you robbed him that power, I know because I was there All-Might when you plucked that hair from him, How did it feel?" said Blackout happily.

"Stop talking about my Protégé" said All Might "I won't let Izuku's memory in vain hence why I am training Mirio, I know what I did could never be returned but I won't let my failures dictate my choices!"

"Well, You are about to meet your Failure soon All Might not now, not tomorrow but maybe.... Soon" said Blackout before hanging up the call, All Might breathed heavily almost relieved the call was over but that thought has returned yet again maybe he knew who Blackout was but couldn't admit it, Almost like a feeling that he knew who he is or was...

"Hey Naomasa how is the lead on Blackout?" said All Might'

"Not good" declared Naomasa "The police can't seem to trace him, We haven't seen any activity since our experiment with him anyways All-Might you should get some sleep I know I need too"

"Okay, I'll try to sleep" Lied All Might knowing well that wasn't the case for tonight nor tomorrow nor after tomorrow almost like a dream that All-Might wished he would wake up from this horrible nightmare how he would try and go back and correct his mistakes and to try and save Izuku but the thought remained what if the answer was already in front of him? What if he always knew who Blackout was but never admitted it. 

The Coldness in the room of the U.A building was intoxicating, numb to the feeling and walking through the croaking stairs made All Might wish for Summer to come now with the snow pouring downwards and the loud wind through the window almost everything was dark except a light from a door with a machine turned on, The database has finished analyzing the blood from any known civilian that may be connected to Blackout but still has no indication of who it could be, 

All Might sat down thinking of what it would mean if he knew who it was, who it could be and what he would be in store for knowing if someone he suspects all along from the beginning to now what would it mean for the hero society to see such a young boy become Bla-, Maybe the thought itself was too much, All Might's heavy eye's looking at a green suit with the a familiar smile wearing it and with a heavy heart All Might said'

"Izuku Midoriya"

The machine worked immediately and to All Might's shock and disbelief it immediately came out with a match, All Might looked like a skeleton, Eyes wide and mouth opened, unsettled All Might wondered if it was a mistake or if it was a glitch in the system but All Might knew it wasn't All it took was just another try and it came back with a Perfect Match for Izuku Midoriya.

All Might was slumped in his chair, thinking of how it was possible that his student, the one he trained to become his successor would be the monster in front of him, All Might looked at the suit thinking of Izuku's final months 

"I had to take them down!" said Izuku "It wasn't my fault that they killed a girl!"

"You shattered his rib cage" said All Might Calmly "Gran Torino would have punished you, You should be thankful I was able to talk Gran Torino out of Suspending you from the Hero Work"

"So? I would be glad to do it as long as those criminals never harm anyone again"

"Deku, Don't make me regret my decision of giving my Power to you. Nighteye's death has been hard but we need to be stronger" 

"Okay." said Deku looking defeated "It was dumb but it has been hard, Nighteye was your sidekick; How did you get over it so quickly?"

"I didn't" declared "That aside, I expect we don't have this discussion again" 

"Yes, Sir" said Deku emphasizing the word Sir to All Might's surprise 

All Might looked around to see the room has turned dark, The Windows blackened with a yellow soot and the chair in the middle with Izuku in the middle, 

"You can't accept it can you?" said an Unknown Voice "That your Protege is now Blackout" A Voice outside behind Izuku, A Man with White Hair and a grin all to familiar with All Might

"All for One" said All Might "Even in death You have proven yourself again" 

"Of Course, Old Friend" replied All for One "If only you had killed me, I wouldn't have sent that deranged Man against Izuku and his Poor Mother"

All Might has standing on the room gazing at All For One when a revelation of that Hit, All for One's grin still present, All Might's despair was Euphoria for All for One

"Although I would have liked Izuku to join us, But You can't have everything in life" 

"I'll save Izuku All for One, and I will bring him back to us" 

"You can try All Might" replied All for One "and I'll be watching you Die"

All Might awoke from the Chair to the distress call from Naomasa, The Sound of Radio's Going Off the Room and the sounds of the Emergency Signal Outside the U.A 

"All Might!" Yelled Naomasa "Tank's have appeared throughout the City!"

Hi Guys, Author Here, I am now Back to Writing and I missed interacting with the Book, 

Hope you Guys Forgive Me and I will make you Proud

I will Link my Fiverr and Patreon on my Profile and I will make Original Works on top of the Fanfics

Sincerely The Author 

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