The Truth about the Third war of the skies

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"LOOKS ITS YOUR FAULT FOR MY MASTERS STATE!!!" Natalia yelled at Broyle pissed. "No it's not. You don't know the full story!" Broyle replied as Alexa stepped in the way, "Don't raise your voice at my GF!" Alexa yelled at Broyle as soon Maniacal laughter can be heard followed by a voice that Cid found familiar, "Stop Athena!" The voice yelled as Cid rushes to the voice finding Grant and Athena arguing while Shinatobe was in the air watching them. Broyle rushes to Cid and yelled "GET AWAY FROM THEM CID!!" That caused Athena and Grant to look at Broyle and Cid. "Not you again." Grant said taking out his sword, Broyle took out his staff ready to fight, and Athena gets out her staff but a tornado comes and cuts all four them making them bleed as Shinatobe appears. Alexa stabs Shinatobe making her fall to the ground. Cid soon yells, "EVERYONE STOP!!!! BROYLE EXPLAIN THE THIRD SKY WAR RIGHT NOW!!!!!" Broyle nodded scared and began telling them about the war. "I don't know about the First and Second War of the Skies but I do know how the third one began. Grant here joined at the end of the second one and challenged the gods. Now the gods thought that was hilarious. I mean what kind of mortal would dare challenge the gods? But the thing is Grant was an expert strategist." Shinatobe began talking, "I had just arrived to see the gods lose. Never in my life had I seen a mortal stand up to the gods. It's was like he had a vendetta against them. It was bloody. As you Know us gods Are immortal but his army made some of us bleed. We tried our best until." Athena then took over, "Until me,Grant,and Aphrodite were left. I was the strongest. I killed anyone I saw. I took out the beating heart of one of the soldiers and ate it. God it felt so good. The Energy it provided was so Good. I then went about to kill some his soldiers and eat their hearts. You should've seen the look on Grants faces." Grant then took over. "Soon the gods enlisted Broyle and Referi. Referi brought in the young Natalia. He really shouldn't have done that. But before the gods could say a thing they began fighting. I got the upper hand on Athena and dammed her badly but I spared her when I saw her staff left her hand. Even though she killed my parents. I still fight fairly." Athena took over again, "Aphrodite gave me her girdle in the hopes that Grant will fall in love with me but that failed. But one of his soldiers did and stabbed him. I got pissed and with the last bit of strength I got up and tackled the soldier and crushed his skull laughing crazily. God it felt so good to crush its skull." Grant went back to talking, "Athena then fainted so I had to slowly carry her off the battlefield ending the war." Broyle than finished the story. "After the Battle Referi accidentally fucked a spell and got his head froze encased in a block of ice." Natalia was on the verge of tears as Alexa began confronting her but soon the air got poisonous making them collapsed as Cid began coughing up blood. Seer soon arrived and saw a figure that he hadn't seen in years. Bubos.

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