He smiled, a knowing look in his eyes, and took a sip of his drink. 

"Hah. I wonder how she's doing? I haven't heard from her in the past three years." I mused, my thoughts drifting to my sister.

"How come??" He looked genuinely surprised.

"She's very busy, and I didn't want to bother her." I shrugged, trying to mask the hint of sadness in my voice.

"You guys are siblings." He stated, as if that explained everything.

"So what? We also have our own lives." I retorted, feeling a pang of defensiveness.

"Hmmmm." He pondered for a moment, then his face lit up with excitement. "Oh, by the way, my club in Hongdae is opening its doors tonight."

"Oh." I raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

"Want to come over and have some fun?" He asked, his smile widening, the promise of a good time evident in his eyes.

I smiled immediately and raised my eyebrows. Of course I was coming. That would be so fun.

"Of course. I will be there."

"Alright, alright. I'll send you the address later. For now, I think you should go see your parents. They must be waiting for you."

"Yes. I've made them wait too long, and I think my driver might have an anxiety crisis if I stay any longer. Hahaha."

"Okay. Hahaha. Go now."

I stood up and hugged him tightly, feeling the warmth of his embrace. Then, I made my way to the exit, weaving through the bustling staff. 

As I stepped outside, the cool evening breeze greeted me. I got into the car, and we began the drive to my parents' house. The city lights gradually faded as we moved towards the outskirts, where the serene countryside awaited.

We drove through the grand entrance of my parents' estate, the wrought-iron gates opening to reveal a sprawling garden that seemed to stretch endlessly. In my absence, more trees had been planted, their leaves rustling gently in the wind. The garden was a masterpiece of nature and human effort, with vibrant flowers in full bloom, their colors painting a picturesque scene. The scent of jasmine and roses filled the air, mingling with the earthy aroma of freshly turned soil.

The car slowly made its way along the winding driveway, flanked by meticulously trimmed hedges and elegant statues that seemed to come alive in the soft glow of the garden lights.

As we approached the house, I could see the warm lights spilling out from the windows, casting a welcoming glow. The familiar sight of my childhood home brought a sense of comfort and nostalgia. I took a deep breath, feeling a mix of emotions as I prepared to reunite with my parents.

The car came to a stop, and I stepped out, taking in the beauty of the garden one last time before heading inside. 

"Oh, young master!"

"You grew up so well. Eoteokkee."

I giggled and greeted them warmly. They led me to the huge living room where my mother was engrossed in a book and my father was smoking a cigar. It was such a cliché sight that I couldn't help but chuckle.


They turned to me immediately, their faces lighting up with smiles that stretched from ear to ear.

My mom put down her book and walked over to kiss my cheek and hug me tightly. I could feel how much she had missed me, and I realized just how much I had missed her too.


My father hugged me as well, patting my hair affectionately.

"My son. You've grown so much. I missed you a lot."

Love at first sight..But not with me [ KOOKV]Where stories live. Discover now