You knew it would take the whole game for you to beat this guy and you don't know if there's another butcher other than him on the move. "I might end up running into Ann or Chishiya," you muttered, thinking aloud as you were still running and dodging bullets.

"Ah!" You yelped as you suddenly felt a bullet traverse through your (non-dominant) arm. You cursed under your breath as blood trickled down your arm, dripping onto the floor as you continued running.

"Whore," you said under your breath, directing it to the butcher.

You pretended to turn to a corner but instead you were sticking yourself onto a wall to try and camouflage as it. Your strategy worked and you heard the footsteps getting fainter, meaning the butcher was getting away from you. You unstuck yourself from the wall and started going back to where your initial clue room was. You enter the room to see Chishiya.


"Hey. Did you solve it?" You asked with your usual bored tone. You noticed you left your bag in the room and remembered there's bandages in it. Chishiya turned around and saw your bloody arm and bloody lips. His eyes widened to the slightest. You didn't even seem to be in pain. You had a neutral face paired with your normal bored voice.

"Hello?" You waved at him, sending him a glare as you did so.

Chishiya smirked at you before answering. "No. I just got here." You hummed at his response and pulled out your notepad from your bag.

"Where's Ann? Did you see her?" You asked him another question.

"I haven't seen her, but since she's smart I'm guessing she solved her puzzle already," Chishiya responded. You nodded, tossed the notepad to him and he caught it.

"The clues are in there," you said as you pulled out tweezers from your pockets to remove the bullet in your arm. Chishiya stared at you, interested. You knew that you didn't have bullet extractors in your hand, but tweezers are better than nothing. You didn't want to get a potential infection because you didn't know how dirty the bullet could be.

You sat down on the floor, chugging down a bottle of water before beginning the bullet extraction. You inhaled a sharp breath and dug in your wound in search for the bullet. It hurt like hell, but you knew you had to endure it for your survival. You started bleeding even more, blood trickling from your arm, dripping onto the floor. Finally, you pulled out the bullet. In fatigue, you dropped the tweezers and let your body relax for a minute.

"Ah, that fucking hurt," you said out loud as you looked at your bloody arm.

"Chishiya, hand me the bandages and ointment from my bag," you called out to him with your usual monotone voice. He obliged, getting you the bandages and ointment from your bag for you. You sat up and put ointment on your arm before tightly wrapping the bandage around it. You did multiple loops to prevent yourself from bleeding any more. Once you were done, you got up.


"Did you read all the clues?" You quizzed as you stretched your body.

"Yeah," he replied.

You didn't respond to him as you were too busy pushing him out of harm's way. You single handedly caught a knife that was aimed for Chishiya's head. The knife was small. You look a look at it, analyzing the knife and burst out laughing.

𝐒𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓 // 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫ō 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now