"He's going after Piacan." Neteyam says before diving into the water.

"Hold on." Kiri tells Tuk as they dive as well.

I take a deep breath and clutch onto my Ilu for dear life as I order her. Fast. She quickly obeys, she water pushing past us quickly. A few times I feel myself slip, and I grip her harder. I feel her discomfort through the bond but she also feels my burning legs and arms. We exit the reef and follow the boy to Three Brothers Rock.

"Lo'ak!" Tiseryi yells as we surface.

Piacan splashes in greeting to us as Lo'ak pays us no mind as he races towords his brother. We quickly follow. When we reach Piacan, Lo'ak is already on his brother's back, pulling the death mark from his shell.

"Shit!" We hear Lo'ak yell as a ship of metal half the size of the smallest Three Brothers rock appears behind them.

I jump off my Ilu and climb to Lo'ak. He gives me a thankful nod as I begin to help him pull. Soon all of our hands are on the death mark, tugging and pulling.

"Hurry, the ships are coming!" Loaf grand in effort.

"Call dad." Barry am orders Lo'ak. "Call dad. Just do it. Go!"

Lo'ak is replaced my Neteyam at my side and we pull. I hear Lo'ak talking but I can't understand him over the groans of us kids. Suddenly a rope is tied around the mark and Neteyam climbs in his Ilu.

"Go!" Aonung orders.

"Pull!" I yell, using my legs to pull the mark from Piacan's shell. "Come on!"

I turn my head to see two smaller ships coming from the mother ship. I help as the death mark is pulled free and we all fly into the water.

"Come on, everyone go." I say, swimming to Neteyam. "Leave the rope, come on."

"Go that way, I'll draw them off." Berry yells to us all.

"If you go, I go." I say, pulling myself in the Ilu behind him.

"No, A'Kili. Go with them." Neteyam argues.

"Stop arguing, now go." I say, pointing to the opposite direction everyone else swims.

Neteyam groans before ordering his Ilu under the water. We swim quickly and efficiently entry through the open water. I look bahind up to see two small wakes on the surface and I know the boats are close behind us.

Suddenly my ears begin ringing as Neteyam and I are blasted from the Ilu. The blast stubs the three of us. I scramble to Neteyam as my ears ring and my body vibrates. The shock happens twice more before Neteyam pulls me back onto the Ilu and we swim again.

Neteyam drops the death mark into the deep waters and I clutch onto him as we circle back to the others. I tug on Neteyam's braids and he slows the Ilu to look back at me. I point to the cove that they headed to and find the seaweed forest riddled with small crab like machines.

"Leave the Ilu. He will make us more noticeable." I sign quickly. "Follow me."

I tug his hand and pull him quickly to the depths. We reach the sand and quickly begin searching for the others. I turn to see Neteyam's throat bobbing and his body jolting. I feel my lungs begin to ache for air and don't hesitate to bring Neteyam to a pod with an airpocket far under the water, away from the eyes of the machines.

𝐎𝐞𝐥 𝐍𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢 𝐊𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐢𝐞 || 𝐍𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐦 𝐗 𝐎𝐂Where stories live. Discover now