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"Lo'ak!" We yell in unison. "Lo'ak."

I urge my Ilu to the edge of the reef and yell. Suddenly I hear a small yell. I turn to see Lo'ak swimming towords me.

"A'Kili." The boy calls.

"Lo'ak climb on. I'll get you to shore."

I take the small conch at my neck and blow hard into it, a loud whistle erupting from it. I rush my Ilu to shore, continuing to blow the conch.

"I've got him." I yell as we near the edge of the village where everyone waits.

Lo'ak climbs onto the nets and gives me a silent thank you before helping me up beside him. Then Lo'ak turns to Aoung who stands behind my father and steps forward. Just in time, Jake Sully appears and holds his sons arms.

"Hey." He stops the boy from stepping closer. "Let's have a look at you." He circles the boy for a moment as my father kneels infront of the boy. "He's fine. He's fine! Just a few scratches!"

The crowd parts and Neteyam, Neyteri, Kiri and Tuk gather around their missing boy. Neyteri a relief quickly turns to anger.

"I pray for the strength I will not pluck the eyeballs from my youngest son." She hisses and swipes at the boys face.

"No, my son knows better than to take him outside the reef. The blame is his." My father says, shoving Aoung to his knees.

"Ok, let's go." Jake Sully begins.

"No, this was not Aoungs fault. It was my idea. Apung tried to talk me out of it. Really." Lo'ak lies.

"Lo'ak, come on." Neyteri and Jake order their son.

Neteyam places a thankful hand on my shoulder before following his family.

"Is this true Aoung?" Father asks.

"What we're you thinking?" Mother hisses.

"It's not Lo'ak's fault." I hiss. "He wouldn't go past the reef."

"How do you know?" Mother hisses.

"Because, he is a good kid." I defend him. "Besides your not supposed to be outside the reef either, Shell head."

"Go." Father orders Aoung. As I linger, father turns to me. "You too."

I turn away and spot Neteyam being scolded by his family. I listen closely.

"Where we're you, huh?" Jake hisses. "What happened to watching your brother."

"It was my fault." I say, approaching the family. "I am sorry. I brought him out to the reef to teach him more and we took the long way home. I'm sorry."

"No, A'Kili had nothing to do with it. I should have stayed with Lo'ak." Neteyam insists.

"You always take the blame for everyone else." I hiss in his ear. "Let me take this."

"No one is taking anything." Jake sighs. "Neteyam, stay with your brother next time and let's be done with this."

The family turns away and I catch Neteyam's wrist, pulling him to me.

"Why would you do that?" He asks me. "Take the blame, it wasn't your fault."

"Why do you take the blame for your brother?" I counter. "I don't want you to get in trouble for something that wasn't your fault, Neteyam." I smile and shove his shoulder. "Besides you have a lot more finger talk to learn, we can't have you grounded." I tease and he gently nudges me.

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