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I stand in the doorway for a moment, watching Lo'ak storming across the nets.

"A'Kili," Toruk Makto greets me causing Neteyam to turn his head.

"Toruk Makto."

"Eh. . . Jake." He corrects.

"Jake." I say the work rough on my tongue. "I just wanted to say I apologize for my brother and bring you all something."

The five sit with their legs crossed as I join them. I dig in my pouch for a moment before I pull out the shells and pearls.

"Kiri and Tuk told me about the beads in your hair. How they represent your stories." I smile down at my hand. "I thought moving here would be a pretty important part of your stories."

I pass each bead to them, giving Lo'ak's shell to Neyteri . I watch as they all twirl the beads around in their fingers before Kiri and Tuk throw their arms around me.

"Thank you." Kiri says softly into my hair.

"Your welcome Kiri." I smile as they pull away. "May I."

I hold out my hand to take the pearl. I have already scratched out the center so it will be secure in her hair. I quickly undo her existing braid and add the pearl to the bottom with a kind smile. Kiri pulls away as I finish and smiles at the new addition. Then Tuk moves to have her turn.

I watch as neyteri and Jake braid the beads into one another's hair. I turn to see Neteyam staring down at the bead. I smile to him as he lifts his head. I slowly open my hand to him before scooting closer. I take out his braid and secure the sandy shell in his hair. I let my fingers trail over the braids before moving to scoot away.

Neteyam's hand traps my wrist and he looks up at me, his expression resembling sadness.

"Thank you, A'Kili." He says softly holding my gaze.

"You are very welcome, Neteyam."

"Thank you." Neyteri wraps her arms around me, holding me closely for a moment as Jake smiles and nods.

I smile as the family smiles, a seemingly rare sight. I find myself wondering if they were always this somber, then I decide it's from leaving their home.

"Could you give me some more tips? Maybe teach me some of that finger talk?" Neteyam asks.

I catch Kiri rolling her eyes out of the corner of my eyes. I smile softly and grab his hand, hauling him up beside me.

"Come, I will teach you."

We dive in the water and call our Ilu. We race under the water, our rematch ending in my winning. I reach the rock a few moments before Neteyam and happily climb atop it. I giggle as Neteyam climbs up slowly, his body tired from the Ilu.

"Come, sit." I order as I cross my legs beneath me in the rock. "This is where my sister and I come to think, and to feel Ewya through the water and the wind."

"My brother and I used to climb the tallest tree in our home and sit for hours." I watch as his expression turns into longing.

"Tell me about your home?" I ask with a smile which he returns sadly. "I want to know what the forest is like, the sounds the smells."

Neteyam releases a breathy chuckle before smiling as he remembers it.

"It is green, the trees the ferns all of it. Except the luminescence, those are every color you can think of. The ground lights up green as you walk under the stars. The flowers are beautiful, the trees are strong. Seeds of the spirit tree guide us through the trees, helping us if we side our way."

Neteyam continues on about the beauty of the forest. He mimics the animals calls and expresses his love for it so vividly, it almost feels like I'm there. Then his expression turns sad.

"Then the sky people came and a lot of it was reduced to ash and flame." He clenches his jaw. "It was terrifying."

"Do not be sad, Neteyam." He looks at me as I unknowingly grab his hand. "You are safe here, it is bueatiful too, no?"

"Yea, bueatiful." He says as he looks at me with a smile.

"Now let's start with something simple?" I smile. "Ok, close your eyes and breath with your stomach." I press my hand to his stomach to feel his movements as he tenses. "The way of water has no beginning and no end. The sea is around you and in you. The sea is your home, before your birth and after your death. Our hearts beat in the womb of the world. Our breath burns in the shadows of the deep. The sea gives and the sea takes. Water connects all things, life to death. Darkness to light."

"That was simple?" Neteyam chuckles after he knows I have finished.

"It is what we have been taught since our birth." I smile as he mirrors me. "What we teach babies."

"I get it. I get it." He chuckles. "I'm a baby."

"I did not say that."

"That's what you meant."

"Fine. Now for the finger talk as you say."

I smile as I begin with basic hello goodbye, swim, and other terms. He quickly picks it up and we move on. By the time the light disappears from the sky, Neteyam can form simple sentences with his hands. It's sloppy at best but I congratulate him anyways.

We decide to swim back to Neteyam's home as it's not too far. I smile as I take his hand and pull him up quickly. The air hits our faces as we fly in the air. We land back in the waters cool embrace and I realize something as my smile fades. My stomach isn't in knots, it feels light like air. It's strange.

We make our way to his home talking about random things, I tease him about his sloppy signing and he says it's only because I'm a bad teacher, giggling every time he gets something wrong.

As we near the home, we spot Aoung wringing his hands nervously.

"Come to apologize brother?" I smirk.

"Umm. . ."

He quickly spits how he took Lo'ak hunting outside the reef and he left them and hasn't returned. Before I can say a word my stomach drops and Neteyam grabs Apung by his hair and drags him inside to his parents.

"Tell them." Neteyam orders Aoung. "Tell them what you told me."

Apung slaps Neteyam's hand away as he turns to a confused Jake and Neyteri. I spot Kiri and Tuk behind them and hiss at Aoung. He tells them and Jake bolts up right and calls his Tsurak, his wife and daughters in tow.

"Tell father." I hiss at Aoung before following the couple out into the water, Neteyam behind me.

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