30-new relations are formed?

Start from the beginning

Name : Kage
Species : beastman(menalistic)
Level : novice
Profession :----
Affinity : ice(perfect root)

Ray told the knights about what he saw and they were shocked because people with major roots were rare and one's with perfect roots are extremely rare almost never seen for decades. They decided they would keep the children safe from anymore bad personas. Daniel then spoke to the children after dressing them in new clean clothes and they looked even more cute.

"So my name is Daniel,this guy here is Gideon my future husband and the one you call angel is Ray our adoptive son,we are going to the capital for some business in the royal palace, would you like to come with us?"

The children looked at them then each for a moment before they nodded being enthusiastic and smiled

Just then Ray heard a voice in his head and looked at the tree behind them. "Thank you for saving the children, I had come to their assistance as I sensed a powerful and pure wood mana from the carraige carrying the children ",the tree voice it's thoughts but later asked Ray to ask Minato to approach it which Ray did as asked. Ray used his perceptive eyes on the tree,

Species name : ancient willow spiritual tree ️️
Level : ???
Rank : magical beast
Affinity: wood/nature
Description: a tree that has gained sentinence over thousands of years and was able to absorb pure wood mana from the earth. The tree is completely in sink with nature and is also sesntive to auras.

Minato approached the tree and a vine emerged carrying a emerald green crystal orb which was glowing pure warm energy. The vine handed it to Minato which the latter received and looked at it in awe,the crystal glowed brighter before bursting into sparks of green and entered Minato's body and later a mark of a willow tree appeared on the child's forehead.

Daniel and Gideon were shocked as the magical tree had chosen to be the child's guardian and would help the child grow as time moves on. The mark then disappeared and Minato smiled at the three as if he had a conversation with it and he walked back to the ground and watched as the whole tree glowed and disappeared no dought relocation.

"We always heard stories about the palace are we really going?" Minato asked with shinning eyes and Kage too looked excitedly towards Daniel to which the latter nodded and they screamed and jumped up and down. They got on the hawks once more and flew into the air,the kids were riding with Ray and not long into the sky they fell asleep cuddling into Ray. They landed a few hours later in front of the capital's walls were they paid the entry fees and entered. The capital was covered in a light blue transparent dome which protected it from monsters and maesma.

 The capital was covered in a light blue transparent dome which protected it from monsters and maesma

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They did not immediately go to the palace but visited an inn and ordered food since they were hungry. They then went to the identification hall , a big buildings were they went to make their identity tokens. Identity tokens have an individual's personal information on them and everyone in the kingdom has them except for a few. They have one's gender, name,age, species, level and profession but a person could choose to hide some information like age, gender and level,the identity tokens can be made into necklaces, bracelets,rings and other forms. The kids had theirs in bracelets and the adults had theirs in necklaces while Ray just took the chance to have another ring on him. They each dropped blood on the tokens which glowed a little before settling,this allows the tokens to never be lost by their owners. The whole process did not take long and they left the building.

Daniel dragged the group around and didn't tell them were they were going until they stood in front of a big temple,Ray was about to ask them why they were at the temple but stopped

"Gideon my love please be mine and allow me to love you forever, Gideon please marry me ", Daniel asked lovenly to the other holding both of their hand intertwined in front of their chests. Gideon smiled and tears were in his eyes,he wanted to talk but sobs came out instead so he just nodded and buried his head in Daniel's chest. Ray too had on a big smile with tears running down while the kids were confused until Ray told them what happened and they smiled as well.

They entered the temple and into a room that had the statue of a goddess in it and it was know to be the statue of the goddess of love were they met a priest. Daniel told the priest of what they wanted and the priest smiled and guided them to the platform under the giant statue. He took out a white scroll and asked the two to drop their blood on it while saying their vows. The scroll glowed before it disappeared into sparks of white light which flew in the air and surrounded the five before it disappeared.

The priest was shocked but smiled later before he took out another scroll which was a light green and put it on the platform as well.

"I'm guessing you want to adopt those children as well cause I see the goddess has approved when those sparks surrounded you", the priest said and the newly wedded husbands looked towards Minato and Kage and were about to ask their opinions when both children jumped squealing they were going to have dads and a brother. This made Gideon and Daniel smile and the priest instructed Ray and the kids to drop their blood on the scroll while saying they accept the two husbands to be their parents and they would love and cherish them until the end of time. The priest then instructed Gideon and Daniel to do the same with similar vows to accept Ray and the kids as theirs.

The scroll did the same as the former and disappeared leaving a new happy family. The two adults tried to pay but the priest refused and said it was an honor to witness such a happy occasion so they left but Ray came running back and handed a bottle of holy river water to the priest before waving goodbye and joining the others. The priest opened the bottle and saw the water but was then shocked before looking at Ray's retreating back and smiled and thought in his heart that Ray was truly a blessing from the heavens.

The five then hired a carraige to take them to the palace and in the way Ray thanked the gods and goddesses for bringing him to this world.

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