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"Aris? Are you still awake?" Estinien called out after a moment.

She debated whether just to ignore the knock and apologize to the Dragoon in the morning about being asleep and say she didn't hear him when he stopped by. But a second knock came this time, causing her to withdraw her fingers and sit up slowly. Her folds seemed to twitch from the lack of touch, and she sighed softly, "This is but an unfit substitution compared to the real thing anyway. "Aris mumbled to herself.

She could have sworn she could hear Zenos mocking her faintly inside her head about how, even now, she is denying herself again for someone else needs. "I am awake; please give me a moment. "She called out. Wiping and cleaning her hands in her washroom, she moved to her door, placing her hand on the dim blue panel sensor to allow the door to slide open. Aris's gaze flickered up to the Dragoon's face, who, in return, arched a brow while overlooking her. A habit that she noticed Estinien had since their travels together in Thavniar the first time. When she, Thancred, and Urianger had to sit still due to aethereal sickness.

"I was falling asleep. But I am as best I can be, considering my bandages are very tight." She said, holding up one of her bandaged hands with a humored look. This was her excuse for her puffy eyes and her flushed cheeks that were the results of crying and heated moments she had just had. Estinien gave a soft grunt in response, though he narrowed his eyes ever so slightly at Aris. When Aris didn't budge about her statement, he chose to let it go for now. "May I-...come in?"

She wanted to say no, to just lay there in silence until they arrived at Mare Lamentorum. But she nodded, tapping the panel twice, which allowed the light panels in her room to flicker back on as she moved out of the way for him to come in. The space was small but just enough room to have her desk that was covered in tomes and journals. To the left side of the room was her bed, filled with pillows and blankets that were currently pushed to the bottom and partially on the floor. "Forgive the state of my room and I. My armor may not be a warm sight to see right now, with it still stained in blood, nor me in a rather sullied tunic. "She remarked, gesturing to the nearby table that was covered with various pieces of armor and weapons. Estinien said nothing at first, only to move to lean against the wall near her bed and cross his arms over his broad chest, still just watching and listening.

Aris moved to sit back on her bed while looking at him once more, trying to decipher just what the hell he wanted from her. It was bad enough she always found Estinien not in his typical armor, drastically different. His silver hair was held back by the rather "exquisite" Thavniar thread he had acquired earlier in their adventures together. Krille's word stood true about the Dragoon being terrible with Gil.

He offered a light nod and shrugged while he spoke, "You have nothing to apologize for, and your armor is the least of my worries. How are your wounds? Though the others have not said it out loud they are worried about you still." He stated.

Aris lightly punched her fist into her palm, and nodded," They are mending very well. I am sure I will be running about the ship by tomorrow. "She quipped back but winched at the fresh wave of pain in her hands.

"Aris. There is no rush for you to do anything right now, you do know this, right? I am sure we can manage just fine until you are ready to join us." He said, knitting his brows at her. She merely offered an apologetic smile in return, "There is no rest for the wicked either." she said with a light sigh.

"Aye, but for now, there isn't any. So, rest. I will not have the twins sulking about me because you are not well. Nor will I be volunteered by Mistress Y'shotla and Sir Gra'ha to read tomes. Not to mention assisting Sir Urianger with hunts of healing materials, "He scoffed and slightly shuttered at the thought of spending an evening pouring into healing tomes. Estinien firmly believed that Krille and Tataru had to teach the rest of the Scions their ways of persuasion because, as of late has found them all convincing him to help with so many mundane tasks.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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