It's nice to see her happy for once.

"What do you want to wear today? Do you want your bee dress or your yellow onesie with black stripes?" Mom picks her up, turning around to walk to the closet.

That's the moment she catches me standing there like a creep. As soon as she sees me, she jumps in fright and presses one hand to her chest.

"Don't sneak up on me like that, Gianni. You scared me." Mom approaches me, handing over Arella.

"Watch her for a second while I grab her outfit. I'll be right back." She turns on her heel, walking away while Arella looks up at me.

"What's up, chicken butt?" I question.

The baby wiggles her nubby and reaches up with one hand, promptly starting to pick her nose. That's all fine and dandy, as long as she doesn't wipe it on me.

"Find anything good in there?"

Arella continues to dig for gold with her tiny finger. With how deep she is in there, I'm surprised she's not poking her brain.

"Don't let her pick her nose, Gianni." Mom sighs, peaking her head out of the closet.

"She's a baby. It's what they do. As long as she doesn't wipe it on me, we're cool." Shrugging, I sit down in the rocking chair.

It creaks under my weight as I rock back and forth. I'm not sure how secure this thing is. I'm pretty bulked up with muscle and this thing is made for small people like Mom.

"Okay, I got the bee onesie with black thigh high socks. Correction, sock." Mom holds up a single sock and giggles to herself, coming over to take Arella from me.

"Are you nervous about Dad leaving today?" I question her while she dresses the baby.

"A little bit. I'm always nervous when he leaves, though. It's different this time. He's still healing after a major surgery and shouldn't be leaving this house," She sighs and reaches up to rub her forehead, "Sometimes I just want him to work a normal job. One where he doesn't risk his life everyday."

What Mom's saying does make sense. She loves Dad more than life. But if he didn't do this job, then somebody much worse would take over. We also wouldn't live in luxury like we do now.

Somebody has to do the worlds dirty work and that person is Dad.

"If Dad didn't do what he does now, we wouldn't have this luxury and we wouldn't have Arella. If it weren't for him, Mama, you would still be sad all the time. There are down sides to every job. A soldier risks their life every day to keep our country safe. Dad risks his life everyday to keep the streets safe.

"Not everybody in his position would do the same. One day, Andrea will be Don. You have to be ready for that too. This is our life, Mama. We born into it and die in it. You know how it is."

Mom nods and lifts Arella, holding her to her chest and rocking the baby softly. "I know, my sweet boy. I know."


At exactly three in the afternoon, we say our goodbyes to the boys. Dad gives Mom a kiss I would really not like to witness while I hold Arella. She's watching the two of them with wide eyes, almost like she's never seen two people kissing before.

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