Im sorry

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"Hey Caspar did you have a good time" you say as he runs in and jumps on you on the sofa "yeah me and papa went and got ice cream and to the park" he says which makes you look at the door to see a smirking pedri so you give him the side eye "oh oh and I need to go get papi his birthday present" Caspar says all giddy  running upstairs and pedri comes and sits down at the other end of the sofa. "Look lily I'm..." he starts saying but you cut him off "pedri I'm not interested right now" you tell him staring back at the tv.

"Daddy daddy" Caspar says running down the stairs to pedri "look what I got" he says handing him a gift bag. "Thankyou casp" he says opening up the gift bag and seeing the tracksuit Caspar picked out for him "I love it" he says picking Caspar up and giving him a massive hug "I have a present to give to" pedri says getting up and running outside

A few minutes later he comes in with a bouquet of flowers and some chocolates "look lily I'm really sorry and when we were younger you always said you would forgive me if I brung you flowers and chocolate so you have to forgive me" he tells you making you smile while thinking of all the memories you guys had as teens "Caspar what do you say do I forgive him" you look at him as he's sat cuddled up next to you "yessss" Caspar says "alright I'll forgive you but never ever do that again or I will never speak to you ever again and I mean that" you tell him "alright I won't" he says holding his hands up

It's later on now and Caspar is now in bed and you and pedri are sat on the sofa watching a movie

"You can move closer" he tells you as you sit down after putting Caspar to bed "I think I'm alright over here" you say glaring at him "I thought you forgave me" he tilts his head "forgive but don't forget is what my dad always told me" you smile "well you are not allowed to stay mad at me it's the rules" he says "I can be mad at you if i like pedro Gonzalez" you look at him "wow so we're using first and last names lily rose smith" he laughs which makes you smile "yeah we are" you say "come over here" he says opening his arms asking for a hug "absolutely not pedri you have to earn my love back" you firmly say "oh so you loved me" he smirks as you realise what you said "keep dreaming" you tell him "I don't think I have to cause you just told me that you did. You admitted you loved me " he teases "I love you as caspars dad I'm not in love with you" you tell him "well you are cause who wouldn't be in love with this cute face" he smiles "me" you say with sass "we will see about that" he reply's "whatever pedri you should get going cause you have a game tomorrow and you can't be tired" you tell him getting up "sadly your right" he says "I know I am and I am going to go to bed so I will see you tomorrow" you say walking away and heading upstairs


It's the next day and you get up at around 9 but the game starts at 1 so you have plenty of time to get ready. So you get up and shower and then get ready for the day



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@lilyrose : morning from Qatar 🇶🇦

Comments :

@pedri : wow 😮
^get out of here pedro

@pablogavi : hi lily
^Hey Pablo

@lilyrosefp : her and pedri are the cutest

First and last love ~ pedri gonzalez Where stories live. Discover now