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You guys have just finished eating and Caspar demanded we watched a movie before bedtime. "Do you have time to watch one?" You ask looking at pedri "yeah but I'll probably have to go straight after" he smiles

"Alright Caspar what are we going to watch" you say sitting down next to Caspar who on the other side of him was pedri "ermmm cars" he says clapping his hands "alright cars it is" you smile

"Okay casp I have to go now but you're gonna see me in a few days" pedri says picking him up and hugging him "aww please daddy" Caspar says cuddling him "we will see eachother soon Caspar" pedri tells him "alright dad" Caspar says as pedri gives him a big hug and a kiss before he puts him down "alright you guys will be alright flying out won't you" pedri asks "yeah we will he fine don't worry" you say "okay good I'll see you soon" he reply's while hugging you "yeah we will see you later" you say as he walks out the door

"Alright come on Caspar let's get you ready for bed" you smile while chasing him into his bedroom "ahh mummy stop" he says while you tickle him "alright I'll stop now let's get you changed" you say while putting his onesie on him. "Alright time to brush our teeth" you say leading him into the bathroom and sitting him on the counter and letting him brush his teeth "now smile" you say as he pulls out a big cheesy smile "okay now it's bedtime casp" you say picking him up and walking to his bed and tucking him in "goodnight casp" you say placing a kiss on his forehead "night mummy" he says as you leave leaving the door slightly open

"What are you doing here it's like 9:30 Isabella" you say opening your front door "nice to see you to" she says while collapsing onto the sofa "you know you could just quit your job and live off your rich ass baby daddy" she says "well I quite enjoy my job being an influencer is fun and all my followers love Caspar" you say "doesn't he ever get jealous though how you can show off Caspar and he can't" she says "well I'm literally with Caspar 24/7 and so it's pretty much impossible to keep him a secret and pedri has this whole 'OH I DONT WANT A GIRLFRIEND' look anyway but it's always been his call anyway on showing Caspar or not I've never said like that he can't " you laugh "oh sounds like you want him to have a girlfriend which you probably would hope is you" she smirks "no but it's getting better he wants to introduce everyone to Caspar and stuff when go to Qatar" you say "wait really" she says with a bright smile sitting up "what why are you smiling so much" you say "I don't know I've just been waiting for it to happen" she laughs "well I'm nervous I just don't want thinks to change once it gets out i like our nice private life like I hardly show Caspar it's just known that I have a son" you explain "nothing will change and you can actually be a family and get back together one day" she tells you "we won't be getting back together like ever" you say "that's what you say" she says


"Is that the plane" Caspar asks "yes that's what where going to take to go see daddy" you say "yay" he says while grinning

"Do you want to sit next to the window or the isle" you ask "window window" he says "alright sit down then" you say as you sit next to him

"Do you want to sit next to the window or the isle" you ask "window window" he says "alright sit down then" you say as you sit next to him

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Lilyrose : Caspar and lily take on Qatar ♡

Comments :

User533 : they are the cutest

IsabellaMaria : my babies
^im literally older than you 🤦‍♀️

Lilyrosefanaccount : I love them and caspars the cutest

User82929 : I aspire to live like her

"Mum when can we see dad" he says laying across his seat "well when we're not in the air and we will see him later we're going to see him after his training session tomorrow cause we are going to get there late tonight but we will see him tomorrow morning" you say "alright mummy"

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