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Tommy's POV

(/°•°\)30 minutes ago(/°•°\)

It has been 7 years since my brother died. He was the only nice relative I had. I really loved them. He was only 6 and didn't deserve to die. I was supposed to die. I know it. Really. I was supposed to be the one dying..My parents hired a hitman to shoot me but my little brother got in the way.

It has been 14 years since my parents were nice to me. I was a smart child and a fast learner. I still am but whatever. And the worst thing is that I am intersex, which means I have both girl and boy organs..They hated that. They always called me a girl. They said they wanted a girl. I wanted to be a boy. They gave me the name Tori. But after I turned 9 I started calling myself Thomas or Tommy. I liked it much more but my parents didn't..

They wanted a girl. So they bought me dresses and all the *girly* stuff.. I hated it. So much but I dealth with it for a while. I wanted to start a yt channel and start streaming so I made a deal with my parents, that I was able to do all of these as a boy BUT I needed to give them the money I get from it all.

If I didn't give them the money they would make me wear dresses and skirts and make-up. Or would lock me in my closet. For hours, days if not even weeks...Well, let's move on from that...I will explain more..I'm just not stable enough to do that right now..

I've called my boyfriend again waiting for him to pick up. Once he did I shouted. "Why didn't you pick up earlierr!? This is the only time I get to call someone and now I can't since my parents will be home in like 5 minutes!" "Sorry, babe! I was a little busy. You know we're moving in together soon and I have to get the house prepared" He told me, slightly panicking.

"It's fine bae I was just sad a little," I said. "Okay..Well, are you excited to move in with me??" He asked and I smiled. "Yeah! I am! I'm not gonna get abused anymore! They won't have power over me anymore! I'm gonna be happy!" He giggled a little and smiled at me in the camera. "But I need to get ready with the boxes and then put them somewhere my parents won't see them. Byee Mark! Love youu" "Bye beloved" He ended the call.

I decided to start putting the things into the boxes in my closet. I will start with it since the boxes are in there and my parents don't check them.

(/°•°\)About 3 minutes later(/°•°\)

I heard a car so I ran over to my taped window and looked through the small hole I created so I could see who came there. It was my mother..Well, I guess I need to hide the boxes. I hid them and quickly but quietly put on my dress. I absolutely hated it. But now I need to go get some make-up from my bathroom. I ran in as I heard the front door open.

I took out a few things such as eyeliner, fake lashes, lipgloss and blush. I quickly applied foundation on my face as I hear the door to my room swing open..😃 'My door..' I thought to myself as I got out of the bathroom at walked over to my mother with the foundation on my face. She looked mad but her face changed when she saw me. "Look at my little girl! You're so pretty!!" She hugged me. It was not a nice hug tho.

That was a hug that meant: I am going to take your fucking life. I know you didn't have any makeup and that dress on before I came..: So I knew I was about to get the beating of my life. Again.😀 'Cannot wait for the time I move in with Mark' I thought to myself. I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt her push me down. I look up at her. "You know what time it is right? Good. And also the teacher called me that you're failing half of your school subjects.. You know that will make the beating worse right?" She said. "Yes ma'am" I respond.

"DO NOT TALK BACK TO ME!" She shouted and kicked me. I felt sharp pain travel through my leg. She twisted my knee...I shout in pain as she continues to twist it..It fucking broke..Into pieces..I felt the bones crack and tear the skin. I look at it wide-eyed as she stopped twisting it and just started to kick my stomach.

She then stopped and said. "Hope you learned your lesson, Tori. It will be worse next time!" She shouted and left my room. I couldn't stand properly so I sat straight and stared at my computer. And soon I backed out...


Fuck you and your appologies! -Tomboo Angst-Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora