357 19 5

cat boy

hey min

hey ji
whats up

are you busy ?

no, was probably just gonna take a nap
why ?

oh well i had to tell you something

alr shoot

shit how do i say this

take ur time sungie

i like you


i completely understand if you don't like me
i'm sorry i said anything
its just
how could i not like you yk
ur so kind
u have the best humor
u care about others even if you don't always show it
ur also incredibly hot
the way u care for cats makes my heart melt
when u dance, i just wanna see you dance everyday
ur so fucking talented minho
and it saddens me cause u don't think you are
u say u dance "for fun" bitch that's something u'll get famous for
but i completely understand if u don't like me
i really don't blame you


no it's okay
just promise me you'll take care of yourself
and you find someone you love


promise me

i promise

now i'll leave you alone
i won't bother you anymore
plus i need time for myself to get over you
so byebye minho, take care <3

jisung please

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this book is so shitty and random , i promise the book i'm writing will be better than this 😭

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