The Party C2

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I looked in the mirror staring at my h/c hair while tying it up into a messy bun, I smoothed out my dress and took a deep breath.

Today was the day of the party and to say I was scared was a complete understatement.

I'd only applied a week ago and I was already being invited to their Torie Tosher parties, taking one last look in the mirror I picked up my bag and walked out the door.

It took me half an hour to cycle to Liz truss' home, it was nice.

I walked thru the door of the party and immediately got taken to the sofa with a drink in my hand. It was Liz

"This is my new secretary y/n I hired her two weeks ago and thought she would fit perfectly." Liz said smiling at her big toe.

"H-hewo evewyone" I said meekly also smiling at liz' big toe.

I noticed two incels sitting next to Liz on either side both staring at her big toe, it was the same ones I saw coming out of her office. Id assume they were her boyfriend's but I don't wanna assume things.

It has been half an hour and i was already upset, Liz was pissed drunk and yelled at me for looking at her big toe so I ran into the bathroom crying.

I don't know how long I have been sat here but I just want everything to go away!

I began to hysterically cry unable to notice the two men who walked in on me. They kneeled down next to me and wiped my tears. "It's okay y/n we both know how she can be about her toes it's kinda hard not to look when the big one is bright purple and looks like jimin from BTS." The plump one said

"Yeah don't worry and don't think about her jimin toe" the ravenette yelled.

"I-i just wanna leave" you sobbed into the bathroom tiles laying faceward to the ground.

And then they took you home, but oh no not to your home. Theirs 😏

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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Their Secretary 🥵 Boris Johnson x reader x Rishi SunakWhere stories live. Discover now