unknown people

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Irys pov:

It bean a few hours since i find the girl in the forest bae wasn't so happy when i walked in with her.......

Irys care to explain why did you bring a human child here? Better question where did you find a child? Bae angry say .

I Wes looking for Boros in the woods and he lead me to this girl she Wes badly hurt i couldn't leave her like that! I told bae angry

Alright i don't care just go take care of her injuries and when she woke up she have to leave immediately! Bae say witch left me shocked.

Bae do you hear yourself right now?? We can't just let her go like this on her own! With that i left the room with the sleeping girl in my arms taking her to the guest room....

End of flashback:..

Now I'm in the guest room waiting for the girl to woke up when i hear the door open...... Bae walked in...

Are you here to tall me again that i should left the girl to die ? I say in a cold voice.

No I'm here to apologize for what i say earlier it Wes wrong of me and I'm sorry.... Bae say giving me a hug witch i returned.

Do you have any ideas what happened to this little one? Bae asked

No... All i know is that she Wes alone in the forest bleeding to death. I answer Bae question.

Are you doing to stay here until she woke up? Bae asked

Well i don't have any other options i don't want her to get scared when she woke up in a unknown place. I answer the question.

Do you want me to stay with you?

That sounds good. I say taking Bae hands in mine sitting on the bed next to the sleeping girl......... Who could do this to a innocent child?

adopted by the god of chaos and hope (bae x Irys fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now