Chapter 1: Hope Mikaelson

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Caroline heard someone crying. It was not full-blown crying but muffled. It was a wonder how no one else heard it or managed to just ignore the sound.

Being the headmaster(or headmistress) of The Salvatore School for The Young and The Gifted meant that she was the person responsible for acting on anything suspicious, weird, or in this case, concerning.

As she went in the direction in which the sound came from, many students nodded at her and she returned their nods.

She found Hope Mikaelson sniffling and wiping her tears as the young girl noticed her.

Caroline now gave her a knowing look.

"Come to my room. Now." Caroline told her.


Hope looked down and did not say a word, but Caroline, being the perceptive person that she was, could easily sense Hope's sadness.

"Hope, please talk to me." Caroline repeated softly this time, which made Hope look up at her.

Tear stains covered the tribrid's face. There was an awkward silence for about half a minute, after which Hope started crying again.

"Everywhere I look..." Hope's voice broke, but she powered on "... I see Landon and all the moments and memories I shared with him in this school, but now knowing that I can never be with him..."

Before Hope could finish her sentence, Caroline went up to the blue-eyed girl and hugged her. Hope sobbed as much as she could. They broke their hug after Hope had absolutely exhausted all her tears.

It had been 6 months since she last saw Landon, who was nothing like the Landon she knew. He did a last favour for her by setting up a final video message from her dad in Peace after which he basically broke up with her.

While Hope had become mature enough and hid her grief well enough for months, it had come to light now as she forgot to control her crying, which she usually does in her room with a silencing spell. Hope had casted a glamour and silencing spell, but Caroline wore an anti-magic bracelet, making her immune to magic and caught Hope anyways.

Caroline let out a long sigh after which she declared, "Hope, you need to get out of here."

"What?" Hope asked, completely flabbergasted.

"I'm serious, Hope. You need to get out of this place."

"But the school.. who would take care of it if a monster suddenly pops up?" Hope was in denial and manufacturing excuses.

"Hope, you've done more to help as it is. Even helping with the admissions for the school. You need to live for yourself now. Go to college. " Caroline's smile was infectious, which resulted in a small smile on Hope's face as well.

"But where?"

"Admission season for the colleges has been a bit delayed due to the 10th COVID wave. So luckily, I can send you to ICS, London along with Josie," Caroline returned. She was so excited, and the bubbliness reflected on her face.

When Caroline wanted something, she always got it. So, Hope resigned to the horrible fate of going to college.

"What is ICS?" Hope asked.

"Institute of Computer Science silly!"

"Computer? There's never been a course on computers in this school due to no tech policy. I'll struggle there!" Hope exclaimed as she was trying her last-ditch attempt.

"Hope!" Caroline frowned and then scowled. "You're too smart to fail and you know it. Now, no back-talking and get ready to go to college."

About 2 days later, having finalised the course and packing some emergency magic ingredients, Hope was now ready to leave the school.

After saying goodbye to her new friend Lizzie, which unexpectedly resulted in the tall blonde girl tearing up, she continued to say goodbye to all of her other friends MG, Kaleb, Cleo, Jed, Finch, Ben and Pedro.

"Pedro, I'm not messing with you. I'll visit regularly," Hope consoled the poor kid who was also in tears by now.

"Wait, I'm coming with you to the airport!" Lizzie announced as she joined her mom and Hope in the back seat of the car.

Hope turned back to look at the school fondly one more time before she left for college.

Roughly half an hour later, Hope, after getting some gifts from Lizzie and Caroline for Josie, did some glamour spells to make the magical items look inconspicuous.

Hope sighed as she boarded the plane. She had a long journey ahead of her, so she just slept in her seat.

After about 8 hours, she finally landed in London. She hailed a taxi and found herself in front of ICS, London.

She smiled at the arch overhead, which had the entire expanded name of the college on it.

After checking out the notice board, she located her dorm room. Room number 356. It was with Josie and another girl called Surya.

"Hi Hope, come on in." Josie invited her in with a smile and closed the door as Hope entered.

Hope suddenly felt nerve vessels pop in her head as she found Josie with her hands stretched.

"That was for killing Lizzie and breaking our natural twin bond." Josie announced.

Hope groaned in pain. Nearly a minute later, an unknown voice was heard.

"Are you ok?" The voice was laced with concern.

Josie stopped her aneurysm spell to look at the owner of the voice.

It was a black man nearly 6 feet tall, with black hair and brown eyes. He looked South Asian.

Resting her left temple on her left hand, Hope reassured, "I'm ok."

"That's good to know. " He returned in a mellow voice and went on to the third bed, which was empty.

"Woah! Woah! Woah! Mister! What do you think you're doing?" Hope asked him.

"Uh... I think... This is my dorm room. Room 356," He replied with a bit of doubt in his voice.

"I thought we had this girl called Surya as our roommate?" Josie enquired the poor man.

"I'm Surya. Surya Kumar. Surya's a unisex name. You can call me SK though." He replied and put his hand out for a handshake.

Josie and Hope looked at each other and then at SK.

Meanwhile, in Limbo,

A blonde-haired man clad in gold armour, a brunette girl and a girl with black hair stood around a bonfire as the man announced "The Tribrid Must Die!".

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