"Thanks gents, been a pleasure" she called out as she let with a salute,

It seemed her luck just kept getting worse from then onwards,

Shouts and screams and accusations where yelled out, people cleared to the side of the streets.

And that's when she saw him.


Running like a mad man with a bag of coal in his hand, and around 10-15 other chasing after him.

Leo looked fed up, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath to calm her ranging storm that was in her head,

When she re-opened them, Jesper was right in front of her face. She let out a scream,

"Run. Run run run run!" He said in a fast, rushed pace as he grabbed onto her wrist and practically yanked her down the street.

It was now dark out, and looking where she was putting her feet was near impossible. How Jesper stayed balanced with them long legs, shed never know.

As she ran besides him she tripped a few times, cursing when she did "shit!"

"Come on!"

"What the fuck did you do!"

"The best thing ever!"

"Oh yeah! And what's that, huh?" Leo said out of breath as they ran,

"I won a game! Only 17 coins, I lost the rest"

"That's not something to be proud of!"

Jesper let out a loud laugh as they ran "of course it is, isn't this fun"

"... you and me have very different ideas of FUN!"

⋅ ⌖ ⋅

"There. So, goat, Jurda... thank you. Now we are just waiting on...-"

A gun shot sounded through the air as Kaz, the Conductor and Inej stood by the skiff,

Despite Inej trying to push it away, the worry that Leo hadn't been with them when they got here worried her.

"Wait for me!"

Leo turned to his in betrayal "Us! Wait for us Jesper!" She hissed at him, about to collapse from running so much.

More gunshots rang out behind the and the covered their heads as they ran,

"Jesper get here now!" Kaz shouted,

"Leave the lantern!" Inej yelled to Leo, speaking about the lantern that was currently swinging in her hand as she ran. She came to a stop at the landmine sign,

"Fuck" Leo said, as Jesper said happily,

"Oh, Landmines!"

Leo dropped the lantern, killing the flame, and they ran to the others. Following the footsteps traced there, gunshots still fired behind them.

Deadly Little Leo - Inej GhafaWhere stories live. Discover now