Ch. 20: A Fierce Battle and Final Good-byes

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(The balrog then turns to Shoto, revealing another 'opening' this time in the front of his body)

Shoto: (In his mind) I see. You can cover your openings anywhere on your body, but even your body has limits. With each time you cover one weak spot, another forms. In other words, you don't have enough mass in your body to cover all of your body.

(Even having discovered the weakness of the balrog, he also feels as if his body is overheating because of the intense heat of the balrog)

Shoto: (In his mind) No, please. Not now. Don't overheat just yet.

(Shoto then tries to use his ice side to help slow down the overheating, but the heat from the balrog makes it difficult to do. Endeavor also feels as if the balrog's fire is causing his body to overheat at a quick pace. Hawks then sees Endeavor becoming weaker)

Hawks: Endeavor, are you okay over there!?

Endeavor: My body is overheating. I reckon it's the intense heat of this behemoth. It's speeding up the overheating process. At this rate, I won't be able to fight, or at least keep it distracted if my quirk can't be used.

Twice: (Sees Shoto feeling the same way) Even he's starting to wear out. That's not good at all.

Natsuo: Maybe this will help.

(Natsuo uses his ice quirk to help cool down Endeavor, but he stops him)

Endeavor: No, my son! Go to Shoto! You and him have a chance to stop this monster! The ice quirk may have an effect against it!

(Natsuo nods and then heads to Shoto to assist in cooling him down. Doing this, Shoto can feel his body beginning to cool, but a bit longer than expected since the heat makes it harder to cool down faster)

Shoto: Hey, Natsu. Do you want to assist me on this?

Natsuo: Yes. What is it?

Shoto: This creature does have a weakness. It's in the opening, in his chest area. If we strike it, it will injure the balrog.

Natsuo: I see. But how do we injure him?

Shoto: I shot an ice shard at his back, and he roared as if in pain.

Natsuo: (Nods) Very well. We have to-

(The balrog charges at Shoto and Natsuo, ready to attack. The clones manifested by Twice jump at the balrog in an attempt to stop him. The clones all seem to be visibly in pain from the heat of the balrog's body, but are still holding on regardless)

Twice: I don't want to see my clones' faces like that, but we're doing this for Toga's sake. We will not let this fiery behemoth destroy our world!

(Shoto finishes cooling down, and he and Natsuo get up to take the opportunity given to them. They both manifest a much larger ice shard together. The balrog gets back up and fires up his body. The flames then melt the clones away, allowing itself to stand back up, but revealing an opening for Shoto and Natsuo to strike it with a full-speed shard blast. The shard melts, but at a much less rate than previously. It strikes the opening, causing the balrog to roar in pain and fall to the ground. The fires on the balrog begin to weaken, giving everyone a sense of hope that the balrog can be defeated)

Natsuo: (Excited) It worked!

Hawks: (Smiling) You're right! It does have a weakness!

(The balrog however, gets back up, with his flames now charging up again while the shard is still in his chest. He then stands up and in a fit of rage, brightens the flames, melting the shard, and lets out a more angered and terrifying roar. It proceeds to charge toward Shoto and Natsuo as it forms  a fireball in his palm, then throw it directly at the two. They dodge it, but the fireball lets out a powerful wave of fire, coming in contact with the them, injuring them and knocking them unconscious. Seeing this, Endeavor becomes worried and in tears)

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