In Addition💤

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Fandom: Boy Meets World

Pairing: Shawn/OC

OC: Benjamin Curtis-Wells

OC: Benjamin Curtis-Wells

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At this time of day, the dorm is usually empty as the students are in class, at work, or studying somewhere else. In fact, Ben and Shawn were supposed to be in class as well, but the professor let class out early so they decided to take advantage of the empty dorm and nap together without their friends cracking jokes at their expense.

Ben feels the brush of lips against his forehead kindling a warmth from within, and found himself leaning into it. Trying to blink the sleep out of his eyes, he tilted his head up only to see a pair of green eyes staring down at him, warm and loving. Recognition set in, and Ben thought his shifting about must have woken his partner up.

"Sorry, Sha...wn," Ben broke off into a yawn, his voice sounding hoarse.

"Shhh." He pressed another kiss into his hair, gently tugging the smaller body closer until a messy crown of blonde rested on his chest. "You didn't wake me." Shawn's murmur was low and clear.

He made a mental note to ask Shawn to stop watching him sleep because it was starting to get mildly creepy.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, everything's just fine." He pauses, "Ben?"

"Hmm?" Ben sleepily mumbles.

"I love you."

"I know."

Shawn reaches up and playfully tugs on a lock of Ben's hair in retaliation. "You're supposed to say I love you too."

"I don't like saying that. The too part I mean, it means in addition, and why would you ever add that to saying you love someone? I love you regardless if you love me or not."

Shawn hides his smile at Ben's sleepy rant. "Go back to sleep, Ben," came the magic words. Nestled in the warmth of his lover's arms, and in the comfort of fingers gently threading through his hair, Ben let the rhythm of a steady heartbeat lull him to sleep.

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