The First Ascension

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"The door is open, are you sure you want to proceed?" The Pharaoh known as Amenhotep asked Cid, tapping his foot repeatedly. "It won't hurt right?" Cid asked him slightly scared to which he responds, "Don't know." He then pushes Cid into the portal. A loud scream is heard from Cid along with crying as she screams, "IT HURTS!!!!!!" Suddenly she wakes up in her home screaming and falling off of her bunk bed and hitting the floor, "Huh. Deja Vu." She said before getting the feeling of being drawn to something. She quickly grabs her sword and runs out but stops, "Wait a minute. Hasn't this happen before?" She asked before seeing Chawedo emerge from the sand and begins attacking her. After a while Cid laid on the ground as Chawedo approaches her getting ready to kill her when a vine comes out of the ground and smashed Chawedo's head killing it. "SEER!!" Cid yelled as he turned round and replied, "How do you know my name?" He asked confused as Cid shrugs, "Cmon I know a place where we can stay at." Seer said as he grabbed Cid's hand and picked her up and runs off

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