Start from the beginning

I pat his back. "Don't worry, buddy. I know how to figure out to solve this battle. I promise," I motivated Erwin so we could fight against those Titan scums one day. He could only smiled to me.

Me and Erwin had to the medical tent to check out our injured comrades. The conditions are so brutal: some of them lost their body parts which they got amputated due to damaged body parts.

Some of them who were injured were luckily alive and gave an advice to them. I know they can't give up like this. They almost losing their hope in this battle.

Suddenly, I got encountered by a doctor which long brunette hair with glasses on. "Excuse me, Section Commander Joakim? Can I speak with you for a while?" he asked my permission.

"Dr. Grisha Jäger? What is it?" I was clueless. Me and Dr. Grisha had to talk outside the medical tent for a while.


The city in Wall Maria was quite big. Only I know place in Wall Maria is Shiganshina District. Aunt Floor knew about that place. She led us there.

Suddenly, I saw Papa was talking to someone. I ran to him and call him as usual, "PAPA!" he saw me and raising me high in the air , "My little Viking girl!"

"I miss you, Papa! How's the work going?" I asked him in his hug. "Oh, the work does going well. I'm sorry that I might being busy for a while," he would kiss me on my cheeks and forehead. I would smile.

"Papa, who's the guy with Papa?" I ask him and know the guy with Papa. "Oh, I forget! Nadia, this is my colleague, Dr. Grisha Jäger. He usually works in medical tent to take care of my injured comrades. Say hi to Dr. Grisha!" he introduced me to Dr. Grisha.

I waved my hands to him, "Nice to meet you, Nadia! You must be so young than I expected. Your father always talked about you to me. And, it seems that you have father's gene in you," said Uncle Grisha.

"Floor, thanks for bring my kids here. I couldn't bear myself to leave them behind," said my Papa. "No problem, it's also my job to take care of your kids," said Aunt Floor.

"I'm sorry, Nadia that Papa might be busy for this time. I want you to do me a favor to follow Uncle Grisha to stay with his home for a while?" say Papa. "Hmm," I only nodded and agree with his permission.

"Ok, let's go. Follow me and let your father do your work, ok?" Uncle Grisha would handle this simple duty from my dad. We would only follow him to his home. At least he was a nice person I ever seen.

Not long after that, we would arrived to his house in the neighborhood area in Shiganshina District. He then greeted his family as he arrived home with us.

"Honey, kids. I'm home!" His return to his home celebrated by his children, two of them. One of them is boy and another one is girl. That one girl seems like a shy person.

"Dad!" That boy was so excited to see his father's return. He would hug his dad.

His wife was there, doing her work in the kitchen. She would even smiled at me and my siblings and she would even treated us nicely.

"Eren, Mikasa, these are my colleague's children. Three of them are siblings. This is the eldest one, Nadia and she's two years older than you. Her siblings, Audie, ten years old so same age as you two and the youngest one, Petra. She's eight years old," Uncle Grisha would introduce us to his kids.

"Nadia, Audie and Petra, these are my kids. This is my son, Eren and this is my adopted daughter, Mikasa. Actually her parents died after being murdered." he then introduce his kids to us. But one thing I noticed that Mikasa's backstory reminded me of what happened to Mama.

The Commander's Daughter (Sabaton x AOT x my OC)Where stories live. Discover now